
  Lester Embree
“What is Phenomenology?”

 先ず、”Seven widely accepted features of the phenomenological approach”;

1. Phenomenologists tend to oppose the acceptance of unobservable matters and grand systems erected in speculative thinking;

2. Phenomenologists tend to oppose naturalism (also called objectivism and positivism), which is the worldview growing from modern natural science and technology that has been spreading from Northern Europe since the Renaissance;

3. Positively speaking, phenomenologists tend to justify cognition (and some also evaluation and action) with reference to what Edmund Husserl called Evidenz, which is awareness of a matter itself as disclosed in the most clear, distinct, and adequate way for something of its kind;

4. Phenomenologists tend to believe that not only objects in the natural and cultural worlds, but also ideal objects, such as numbers, and even conscious life itself can be made evident and thus known;

5. Phenomenologists tend to hold that inquiry ought to focus upon what might be called "encountering" as it is directed at objects and, correlatively, upon "objects as they are encountered" (this terminology is not widely shared, but the emphasis on a dual problematics and the reflective approach it requires is);

6. Phenomenologists tend to recognize the role of description in universal, a priori, or "eidetic" terms as prior to explanation by means of causes, purposes, or grounds; and

7. Phenomenologists tend to debate whether or not what Husserl calls the transcendental phenomenological epoche and reduction is useful or even possible.

       “to research on communicology (then called symbolism), education, music, and religion”
“to research on architecture, literature, and theater”
       “to research on ethnicity, film, gender, and politics”
“to dance, geography, law, and psychology”
       “to ecology, ethnology, medicine, and nursing”


 Embree氏によると、”descriptive phenomenology”が現象学の「幹」を為す。そこから分かれた「大枝」として、

a) realistic phenomenology
b) constitutive phenomenology
c) existential phenomenology
d) hermeneutical phenomenology

a) realistic phenomenologyは、” the search for the universal essences of various sorts of matters, including human actions, motives, and selves”を強調する。代表的な人物としては、Adolf ReinachとMax Scheler、Edith Stein、Roman Ingarden。さらに、Alexander Pfander、Herbert Spiegelberg、Karl Schuhmann、Barry Smith。1920年代独逸が中心。
b) constitutive phenomenologyはフッサールイデーン』第1巻に端を発するもの。” it is chiefly devoted to reflections on phenomenological method, above all the method of transcendental phenomenological epoche and reduction.” 代表的人物としては、Oskar Becker、Aron Gurwitsch、Elisabeth Stroker。なお、Alfred Schutz、J.N. Mohanty、Thomas M. Seebohm、Robert Sokolowskiはこの潮流の批判的継承者とされる。
c) existential phenomenologyはハイデガーの『存在と時間』に端を発する。代表的人物は、Hannah Arendt*1三木清九鬼周造、(初期)Emmanuel Levinas、Gabriel Marcel、Simone de Beauvoir、Maurice Merleau-Ponty、Jean-Paul Sartre。最近の後継者としては、John Compton、Michel Henry、Maurice Natanson、 Bernhard Waldenfels。言うまでもなく、戦後仏蘭西が中心。
d) hermeneutical phenomenologyもハイデガーの『存在と時間』に端を発しており、その嚆矢はHans-Georg Gadamer。代表的人物として挙げられているのは、Paul Ricoeur、Patrick Heelan、Don Ihde、Graeme Nicholson、Joseph J. Kockelmans、 Calvin O. Schrag、Gianni Vattimo、Carlo Sini。Embree氏曰く、

The issues addressed in hermeneutical phenomenology include simply all of those that were added to the agenda in the previous tendencies and stages. What is different is the emphasis on hermeneutics or the method of interpretation. This tendency has also included much scholarship on the history of philosophy and has had extensive influence on the human sciences.

 多分、例えばJohn D. Caputo神父ならば、さらにgramatological(deconstuctive)phenomenologyという枝を加えるのかも知れない。
  Embree氏は”the fourth, hermeneutical, and American period is giving way to a fifth and planetary period of phenomenology.”と述べているが。       

*1:Embree氏は彼女を”the first existential phenomenologist after Heidegger”と呼んでいる。