



伯剌西爾人アーティストRomero Britto*5の作品”Rhino Reborn”



Alexis Petridis “Kate Bush: Before the Dawn review – a lithe grace and note-perfect vocals” http://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/aug/26/kate-bush-before-the-dawn-eventim-apollo-review

ケイト・ブッシュBefore the Dawnのレヴュー。

The concert-goer who desires a stripped down rock and roll experience, devoid of theatrical folderol, is thus advised that Before the Dawn is probably not the show for them, but it is perhaps worth noting that even before Bush takes the stage with her dancers and props, a curious sense of unreality hangs over the crowd. It's an atmosphere noticeably different than at any other concert, but then again, this is a gig unlike any other, and not merely because the very idea of Bush returning to live performance was pretty unimaginable 12 months ago.

There have been a lot of improbable returns to the stage by mythic artists over the last few years, from Led Zeppelin to Leonard Cohen, but at least the crowd who bought tickets to see them knew roughly what songs to expect. Tonight, almost uniquely in rock history, the vast majority of the audience has virtually no idea what's going to happen before it does.

Sophie Heawood “Leaf through history with the programme from Kate Bush’s 1979 tour” http://www.theguardian.com/music/shortcuts/2014/aug/31/kate-bush-official-programme-1979-shows



“Artist Roger Dean at 70 - in pictures” http://www.theguardian.com/music/gallery/2014/aug/31/artist-roger-dean-at-70-in-pictures

上の記事では、彼の最近の作品とともに、1972年のClose to the Edge(『危機』)ジャケット内側のイラストレーション*3、ヴァージン・レコードのロゴ(1973)も掲げられている。

Close to the Edge

Close to the Edge


稲葉真弓さん死去 「半島へ」で谷崎賞









optical frog「メモ:クルーグマンの発言として出典不明のデタラメを広める岩上安身氏(flip out circuits)」http://getnews.jp/archives/656511


http://iwj.co.jp/wj/open/archives/140101 *3
optical frog氏の結論;




Joan Baez talks

Lawrence Donegan “Joan Baez: Singer, activist, peacenik, lover, legend” http://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/aug/31/joan-baez-singer-activist-peacenik-lover-legend-royal-festival-hall


BAEZ is part Spanish and part Scottish – a troublesome genealogical mix for a kid who spent many of her formative years in southern California. “The white kids weren’t really interested in me and the Mexican kids didn’t like me because I was quite different from them. So when I finally picked up the ukulele and started singing it was good for my self-image,’’ she recalls. “The white kids came to listen to me. I was like a little court jester. I liked the attention and I liked being accepted, even if it was only for that.”

Yet she insists she was driven for a long time by a sense of doubt, not least about her musical talent. “I didn’t realise my voice was anything special for a bunch of years. I just thought that if anyone put their mind to it they could sing,’’ she says, laughing. Was there a particular moment when she realised she might possess a certain star quality? “Not really, but there were lots of little hallelujah moments over the years. I would go to a folk club and there would be all kinds of people on stage singing and I would notice that my voice was something a little special. And as the years go by and you make it on the golden railway to ‘legend-ism’ you just accept that maybe you do have something.”

She did indeed have something for the best part of five decades. And then she didn’t. “About three years ago I was ready to throw in the towel. My voice had gotten unmanageable. I didn’t hate it, but I hated being preoccupied with trying to get a high note right, not getting to what I wanted to hear. People wouldn’t come up and tell you the truth, they say you sound the way you always did. Don’t listen to them,’’ she laughs.

As a last resort she went to an ear, nose and throat specialist on the advice of a friend. The outcome was a revelation. “We concluded that I was so busy trying not to hear the current voice (especially the high notes) that I just locked everything up. He then sent me to his vocal therapist, a lovely young woman who opened up a whole new tool box. After two lessons I went on tour and the entire group noticed the change. The voice returned and the notes started to come back.”


The notion of Baez the doubt-ridden folk singer could hardly be in greater contrast to her alter-ego, Baez the activist. When it comes to politics, she has always known where she stood. The world has never measured up to her ideas of fairness and equality, not today and not when she was a 15-year-old refusing to salute the American flag. Eight years later, her schoolgirl radicalism had moved on to the national stage. She was one of the principal performers at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom*2 , the day on which Martin Luther King delivered his “I have a dream” speech. “The influx of people into the city was remarkable, like an ocean flooding in,’’ she says when asked for her recollections of the day. Then when asked about King himself: “What people don’t realise about him was that he was a very funny man.’’

The passing of the Civil Rights Act and King’s subsequent assassination robbed the movement of much of its power, while the onset of the Vietnam war turned the attention of activists towards events on the other side of the world. Baez, again, was at the forefront of a protest movement.

In 1972 she travelled to Hanoi with a peace delegation and was caught in the middle of an American bombing campaign on the North Vietnamese capital that lasted 12 days. “We spent the whole time in the basement of our hotel,’’ she recalls. “I have never been so afraid in my life. I thought I was going to die. But I learned something – when the flames start coming towards you everyone starts praying, even the atheists and the agnostics, but when the flames start fading away we all go back to the structures and beliefs that we had before.” For Baez, the Hanoi experience made her even more determinedly radical than she had been. What kept her going? “The belief that what I was doing was right.”


For Baez, no political leader measured up to King until Barack Obama came along and ran for president. But the reality of his victory has been a disappointment. “I wish that Obama had a different enough personality that he would have stayed on the streets. If he had done that then he would have been the closest thing we ever had to King. He had the attention and support of hundreds of millions of people and now there isn’t much of anything.”

Of all the leaders she has known, only the late Vaclav Havel measured up her idea of what a leader should be. “Aside from being a poet and a writer and a politician, he had this enormous brain. But the thing that made him for me was that he was willing to take risks. Risks, risks, risks.”

To illustrate she tells a story about a concert she gave in Bratislava in 1989 a few months before the revolution that chased the Soviets out of what was then Czechoslovakia. Havel turned up to give her support and offer ideas on how she might advance his cause. “My concert was being televised so he and I came up with this plan that I should learn some phonetic Czech, record it and put it on the headphone in my ear. At a certain moment I will say in Czech: ‘Now I would like to introduce you to my dear friend Vaclav Havel’.

“So that’s exactly what I did. The next thing you know, the TV broadcast clicked off and that was that.”

あと、ルー・リード*4のこと、スティーヴ・ジョブズ*5のこと、勿論ボブ・ディランのことも語られている。彼女は”the only woman in the world to have seen both Steve Jobs and Bob Dylan naked”であるのだ。




インターネットの世界では、 提供者から消費者へ、また組織から個人へと、主役がシフトしていくと見られていた。少し前のWeb2.0時代までは、このような夢物語が現実味を帯びてきていた。個人が発するブログなどが闊歩した時代でもあり、少数派の意見でも注目されることが多かった。多様な意見が受け入れられるネット世界が定着するかのように思えたのだ。

ところがフェイスブックツイッターなどのソーシャルメディアが本格化するに伴い、風向きが変わってきた。インターネットの特徴であった多様性が失われてきているというのだ。ここで紹介するPew Research Centerの調査結果でも、ソーシャルメディアでは多様な意見を交わすことが減り、「沈黙のスパイラル」現象に陥っているとまとめている。ソーシャルメディアにおいて、多くのユーザーは反論を交えて議論しようとせず、特定の意見やニュースに同調する傾向が強まっているというのだ。


「Pew Research Centerの調査結果」は、

Keith Hampton, Lee Rainie, Weixu Lu, Maria Dwyer, Inyoung Shin and Kristen Purcell “Social Media and the ‘Spiral of Silence’” http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/08/26/social-media-and-the-spiral-of-silence/

大まかに要約してしまうと、社会的・政治的問題を「ソーシャル・メディア」で議論しようと望む人は、それらをパーソナルな環境で議論しようと望む人よりも少ないということ。また、「沈黙の螺旋(spiral of silence)」だが、それは「友達や家族、同僚に対しても、異なる意見を擁しているようだとネット上でユーザーは自分の意見を投稿しないようにしている」ということ。

時間的な尺度がちょっと違うのだけれど、こういうことは言えないか。公共圏と親密圏はそもそも矛盾するところがある。「ソーシャルメディア」の「ソーシャル」とは親密圏と公共圏の鵺的な領域であること。ということで、アレントが『人間の条件』の中で行った「社会的なものの勃興(rise of the social)」の議論*1を再読すべきか。
The Human Condition

The Human Condition

*1:Mentioned in eg. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20070603/1180896995 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100416/1271390292 See also Hanna Fenichel Pitkin The Attack of the Blob

The Attack of the Blob: Hannah Arendt's Concept of the Social

The Attack of the Blob: Hannah Arendt's Concept of the Social