
Associated Press “Satanic Temple puts up display at Michigan Capitol” https://ph.news.yahoo.com/satanic-temple-puts-display-michigan-capitol-232144742.html


The Detroit chapter of the Satanic Temple set up its "Snaketivity Scene" featuring a snake offering a book called "Revolt of the Angels" as a gift. The snake is wrapped around the Satanic cross on the 3-feet-by-3-feet display. Capitol rules require that displays have to be taken down each night.

In a videotaped interview with the Lansing State Journal (http://on.lsj.com/1z9vp1h ), Satanic Temple spokeswoman Jex Blackmore said her group doesn't worship Satan but does promote individuality, compassion and views that differ from Christian and conservative beliefs.

Blackmore said that the "holiday season is a time of year that is celebrated in many different ways."

"Having our government endorse one singular viewpoint or method of celebrating the season is problematic when we have a diverse community of people in Michigan," she said.

この Jex Blackmoreざん、リッチー・ブラックモアとの親戚関係が気になるのだが、彼女によると、 The Satanic Templeは「サタンを崇拝せず、個性、コンパッション、基督教的・保守的な信念とは違う物の見方を唱道する」。なかなか興味深い。
The Satanic Temple*2ミシガン州以外でも反クリスマス(?)のディスプレイを行っており、フロリダ州の州都タラハシー*3では、The Satanic Templeのディスプレイを壊そうとした54歳の女性が逮捕されている*4
悪魔崇拝(サタニズム)については、http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20061211/1165808553 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20101221/1292955257 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20130611/1370917963 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20140915/1410790639も参照のこと。