
Justin McCurry “Japanese PM Shinzo Abe tightens grip on power with election victory” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/14/japan-shinzo-abe-election


The result also underlines the precarious state of the main opposition Democratic party of Japan (DPJ) and confirms its failure to rebuild its support base after its trouncing by Abe’s LDP two years ago.

“This is not so much a vote of confidence in Abe and the LDP as a vote of no-confidence in the political opposition,” Professor Gerry Curtis of Columbia University*1 told Reuters.

Sunday’s victory also gives Abe breathing room to proceed with two controversial policies: the restart of nuclear reactors, three years after the Fukushima meltdown, and expanding the military’s global reach by lifting the postwar ban on collective self-defence*2.

Abe is widely expected to win next September’s LDP leadership election and will not have to face voters again until upper house elections in 2016.

However, doubts exist over his appetite to push through structural reforms, including labour market deregulation that would make it easier for companies to sack workers. He will also come up against strong opposition from farmers to plans to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade pact*3.

Justin McCurryさんの記事は、投票締切直後に、主として各メディアの出口調査に依拠して書かれ・配信されたもの。最終結果は「自民291、民主73、維新41、公明35、共産21、次世代2、生活2、社民2、無所属8」*4。この選挙を特徴づけるとしたら、自公の現状維持でも民主党の回復でも共産党の躍進でも次世代や生活の敗北でもなく、橋下徹率いる維新の勝利だといえるかも知れない;




