

Ben Beaumont-Thomas “73-year-old teacher dismissed after softcore porn past comes to light” http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/oct/22/73-year-old-teacher-dismissed-after-softcore-porn-past-comes-to-light

73歳の女優Jacqueline Laurent Auger*2はカナダのケベック州のリセ、Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf*3で演劇を教えていたが、彼女が20代だった1970年代初頭に出演したポルノ映画を生徒がインターネットで発見したことを契機として、教職を解雇された。

Laurent Auger has called the move “completely absurd. I’m 73 years old. When I made those films I must have been 28 or 29. It was to make a living so that after[wards] I could work with great teachers and actors, in Paris and in Quebec. Come on.”

The films in question include Diary of a Nymphomaniac, Swedish Sex Games, and another that rather melodramatically translates as Hold Me Against You, I Need Caresses. Another Swedish film is described on Imdb as having “a realistic and nostalgic look at life on a working farm”.


Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf is perhaps understandably wary of controversy: it has a series of blue-chip alumni, including both former PM Pierre Trudeau and his politician son Justin, two former Quebec Premiers, as well as a host of newspaper editors, TV personalities and musicians.
See also

Graeme Hamilton “Actress, 73, dismissed from teaching drama at Montreal private school after students find her 40-year-old erotic films” http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/10/20/actress-73-dismissed-from-teaching-drama-at-montreal-private-school-after-students-find-her-40-year-old-erotic-films/


QMI Agency “School offers to re-hire teacher, 73, sacked 40 years after erotic film role” http://www.torontosun.com/2014/10/22/school-offers-to-re-hire-teacher-73-sacked-40-years-after-erotic-film-role