JAMES RYERSON “The Philosophical Novel” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/23/books/review/Ryerson-t.html
哲学と文学との関係、或いは哲学の専門的トレーニングを受けたことがある作家の小説についてのエッセイ。「小説家は哲学的に書くことができるのか(Can a novelist write philosophically? )」
先ず哲学者であり小説家であったアイリス・マードック*1はこの問いに対して〈否〉と答えている。彼女によれば、哲学と文学は「正反対の営み(contrary pursuits)」である。「分析精神(analytical mind)」と「想像力」。それに対して、プリンストンで哲学の博士号を取得し、『心身問題(The Mind-Body Problem)』で小説家としてデビューしたRebecca Newberger Goldstein*2は、マードックの断言に甚く失望したという。彼女だけでなく、David Foster Wallace*3、William H. Gass*4、Clancy Martin*5といった哲学の専門的トレーニングを受けた作家たちは哲学と文学の関係と格闘し続けてきた。
David Foster Wallaceは最優秀学士論文”Fate, Time, and Language: An Essay on Free Will”*6を書き、ハーヴァードの大学院に進んだが、彼によれば、小説は「哲学的営み=作品の情動的な雰囲気=気分を掴む仕方(a way to capture the emotional mood of a philosophical work)」を与えてくれるものである。或いは、”to figure out how to recreate a reader’s more subjective reactions to a philosophical text” 彼の認識では自作のThe Broom of the Systemではこれに失敗したが、その翌年に出たDavid Markson*7のWittgenstein’s Mistressは”the bleak, abstract, solitary feel of Wittgenstein’s early philosophy”を喚起することに成功しているという。
Philosophy has historically viewed literature with suspicion, or at least a vague unease. Plato was openly hostile to art, fearful of its ability to produce emotionally beguiling falsehoods that would disrupt the quest for what is real and true. Plato’s view was extreme (he proposed banning dramatists from his model state), but he wasn’t crazy to suggest that the two enterprises have incompatible agendas. Philosophy is written for the few; literature for the many. Philosophy is concerned with the general and abstract; literature with the specific and particular. Philosophy dispels illusions; literature creates them. Most philosophers are wary of the aesthetic urge in themselves. It says something about philosophy that two of its greatest practitioners, Aristotle and Kant, were pretty terrible writers.Of course, such oppositions are never so simple. Plato, paradoxically, was himself a brilliant literary artist. Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard were all writers of immense literary as well as philosophical power. Philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre and George Santayana have written novels, while novelists like Thomas Mann and Robert Musil have created fiction dense with philosophical allusion. Some have even suggested, only half in jest, that of the brothers William and Henry James, the philosopher, William, was the more natural novelist, while the novelist, Henry, was the more natural philosopher. (Experts quibble: “If William is often said to be novelistic, that’s because he is widely — but wrongly — thought to write well,” the philosopher Jerry Fodor told me. “If Henry is said to be philosophical, that’s because he is widely — but wrongly — thought to write badly.”)
長年哲学教授をしていたWilliam H. Gassは、哲学の分析的厳密性に対する抵抗感・嫌悪感を告白している*8。とすると、彼にとっての文学は哲学からの逃避?
Rebecca Newberger Goldsteinの小説は、哲学者、物理学者、数学者の会話(ディスカッション)が多く含まれているという。彼女の見解は以下の通り。結局はDavid Foster Wallaceに近い?
最後に言及されるのはClancy MartinのHow to Sell。”a drug-, sex- and diamond-fueled story about a high-school dropout who works with his older brother in the jewelry business”であるこの小説は実は”disguised versions of Kant’s argument on the supposed right to lie in order to save a life, Aristotle’s typology of four kinds of liars, and Nietzsche’s theory of deception”が織り込まれているのだが、批評家は誰もそのことに気づいていないという――”Which raises an interesting, even philosophical question: Is it possible to write a philosophical novel without anyone knowing it?”
(…) she says that part of her empathizes with Murdoch’s wish to keep the loose subjectivity of the novel at a safe remove from the philosopher’s search for hard truth. It’s a “huge source of inner conflict,” she told me. “I come from a hard-core analytic background: philosophy of science, mathematical logic. I believe in the ideal of objectivity.” But she has become convinced over the years of what you might call the psychology of philosophy: that how we tackle intellectual problems depends critically on who we are as individuals, and is as much a function of temperament as cognition. Embedding a philosophical debate in richly imagined human stories conveys a key aspect of intellectual life. You don’t just understand a conceptual problem, she says: “You feel the problem.”
ここで読者が、「そもそもマザー・テレサだったら『我思うゆえに我あり』 なんて言葉は拒絶しただろう。マザー・テレサだったら『キリストが永遠だから私もある』と言っただろう」――と考えたとしたら、デカルトのこの言葉は万能性を失うことになるわけだが、しかしデカルトはニーチェやカントより前の哲学者なのだ。ということは、デカルトの「我」は前者の利己的な「我」に親近性があるのかもしれない……。
- 作者: 保坂和志
- 出版社/メーカー: 中央公論新社
- 発売日: 2008/11/01
- メディア: 文庫
- 購入: 25人 クリック: 111回
- この商品を含むブログ (59件) を見る
*1:See http://www.ne.jp/asahi/iris/murdoch/ http://fass.kingston.ac.uk/research/iris-murdoch/
*3:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080915/1221410828 also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100802/1280688015 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20101209/1291915158 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110125/1295933360
*4:See http://library.wustl.edu/units/spec/manuscripts/mlc/findingaidshtml/wtu00051.html
*5:See eg. Lincoln Michel “TALKING ABOUT THINKING: a fairly long interview with Clancy Martin” http://thegiganticmag.com/magazine/articleDetail.php?p=articleDetail&id=35
*6:昨年12月にコロンビア大学出版局から、このエッセイの筆者James Ryersonの序文つきで刊行されている。
*7:See BRUCE WEBER “David Markson, Postmodern Experimental Novelist, Is Dead at 82” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/08/arts/08markson.html Peter Dempsey “David Markson obituary” http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/jun/14/david-markson-obituary also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100609/1276104144
*8:Thomas LeClair “William Gass, The Art of Fiction No. 65” http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/3576/the-art-of-fiction-no-65-william-gass