Hyejin Kim on Korean literature

John Sunyer “Profile: Hyejin Kim” TimeOut Shanghai March 2010, p.58

シンガポール在住の韓国人作家Hyejin Kim*1へのインタヴュー。その中で、”Why do we hear so little about Korean writers?”という質問に答えて曰く、

It’s true that Korean writers are little known in other countries, though if you want to understand Korean history through literature, read the great works by Cho Jung-rae and Park Kyung-ri. I hope that the way Korea promotes its entertainment industry overseas is replicated to promote other aspects of culture. When Korean television dramas and movies come out, their popularity overseas means that versions with English or Chinese subtitles come out. I hope books will one day get the same treatment.
言及されているCho Jung-rae(趙廷来)については、http://tbsm.boseong.go.kr/language/eng/ 韓国にある「太白山脈文学館」のサイト。また、Park Kyung-ri(朴景利)については、http://eng.tongyeong.go.kr/04/02_06.asp ところで、Wikipedia*2ではPark Kyung-niと表記されている。Korea Women’s Development Instituteのサイトにある追悼記事*3でもPark Kyung-niとなっている。どちらが正しいのかわからない。因みに、Park Kyung-ri(Park Kyung-ni)は金芝河の義母。

TimeOut Shanghaiの同じ頁には、蘇童*4へのインタヴュー、John Sunyer ”How I Write: Su Tong”が載っている。その中で、「翻訳」*5について語っている部分;

I am not afraid that the original meaning of my novels will be lost once they are translated into other languages. Sometimes the translated novels are better than the original. I am, though, mentally prepared for the bad ones. I think that it’s one’s luck to meet a good translator.