Nosheen Iqbal “Portrait of the artist: Tori Amos, musician”
最近Midwinter Gracesを出したTori Amos*1へのインタヴュー。例えば、如何にしてロックの道に足を踏み入れたか;
また、”Which female artists inspire you?”という質問には答えを濁している;
My older brother Michael was into rock music, which my father hated. He was a minister, so it was banned in our house. But Michael would sneak the records in, and I'd play the Stones and Little Richard on the piano with him before dad came home. That, for me, was the beginning.
I can't name names: I'd be too worried about missing someone out. I remember reading an interview with one of my idols about 15 years ago, and she was asked something similar. She named all these other female artists – everyone around at the time who you could have mentioned – but not me. I was devastated.
- アーティスト: Tori Amos
- 出版社/メーカー: Republic
- 発売日: 2009/11/12
- メディア: CD
- クリック: 5回
- この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る
Vanessa Thorpe “Elton John tells how he helped Eminem quit drugs”
See also
Anthony Bozza “Being Eminem”
Sean Michaels “Eminem: Elton John got me off drugs”
- アーティスト: EMINEM
- 出版社/メーカー: INTES
- 発売日: 2009/05/18
- メディア: CD
- 購入: 2人 クリック: 7回
- この商品を含むブログ (16件) を見る