

The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls, and Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient

The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls, and Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient

Sheridan Prasso The Asian Mystique*2に曰く、

Like Yukie, Akiko wonders how much the model of her parents had to do with her choice. Her father is what is known as a “Kyushu danji”—a man from the southern island of Japan called Kyushu. It is closer to Korea than to Tokyo; many people there are of mixed Korean descent, and patrilineal tendencies influenced by Confucianism run strong. Within Japan, Kyushu men are known as macho and tough—picture grunting Samurai rather than Tokyo salaryman. (…) (p.189)
さらに、福岡県杷木町について、”It is the domain of the Kyushu danji--men who, influenced by Korean immigration and, living closer to South Korea than to Tokyo, adhere more closely to macho Confucian traditions than to the comparative liberalism of the nation’s capital.”(p.365)とも書かれている。
勿論、弥生時代に福岡などの北九州に朝鮮半島からの大量の移民があったことは事実であろう。ただその場合、九州を一括りにすることはできない。南九州(宮崎や鹿児島)は(形質人類学的に)縄文の影響を強く残した地域とされるのだ。片山一道氏*3は、”The Japanese as an Asia-Pacific Population”(in Multicultural Japan)という論文の中で、”Compared with the previous Jomon people, the Yayoi people from northern Kyushu and Yamaguchi were taller (an average stature estimated for adult males is 163 cm), they had longer faces, and had much flattered orbital and nasal parts.”(p.23)と述べ、さらに

Human skeletal remains excavated from Yayoi period sites in northwestern and southern Kyushu, Shikoku Island, and the Kanto coastal areas show a strong similarity to late Jomon skeletons, with short stature, low faces, developed glabellar eminences, and so on. It is quite likely that in these areas, the Jomon people survived through the Yayoi period and were increasingly adapted to the recently arrived cultures. They are called the ‘native’ Yayoi people. (ibid.)
Multicultural Japan (Contemporary Japanese Society)

Multicultural Japan (Contemporary Japanese Society)

また、John C. Maher “North Kyushu Creole: A Language-Contact Model for the Origins of Japanese”(in Multicultural Japan, pp.31-45)は、弥生時代から古墳時代にかけて北九州で生成したオーストロネジア語族系の言葉(縄文的)とアルタイ語族系の言葉とのクレオールを日本語の起源とする仮説。