有留さんのメルマガで、3月に創刊されたRolling Stone中国版(『滾石』)が早くも発行停止処分を受けたことを知る。その元ネタは、
Edward Helmore
“Banned by Beijing - but Rolling Stone gathers no kudos”
その理由としては手続き(形式)的な問題と内容的な問題があるようだ。記事ではJeremy Goldkornという人のコメントを引用している;
The magazine had not received approval to publish from Beijing's General Administration of Press and Publication, and Jeremy Goldkorn, the editor of Danwei.org, a website about media and advertising in China, wasn't surprised. 'This is a magazine that puts Cui Jian on the cover and wants to represent the counterculture,' he told Business WeekIn the first issue, Rolling Stone not only featured Cui but articles on Bono, Taiwanese hip-hop star Jay Chou and steamy Chinese blogger Muzimei, known for writing in explicit detail on her sex life. The only article to deal overtly with politics was one that the Chinese government would predictably find sensitive - it was about the influence of rock music on ending the Cold War. Furthermore, the magazine contravened other regulations because half its content was translated from the US edition and it failed to publish its official Chinese name - Audiovisual World - on the cover in larger type on than its foreign name.
あと、Edward Helmore氏が問題の記事として指摘しているのは、「道学者」から「傷風敗俗者」と罵られ、社会学者からは「挑戦伝統道徳的先鋒」と呼ばれつつ、博客(blog)で自らの性生活をあからさまに暴露している「木子美」という女性*2へのインタヴュー(pp.78-81)。それと、孫孟晋「絲絨革命、也是一部捷克揺滾音楽史」(pp.74-76)。チェコ・スロヴァキアのVelvet Revolutionとロックの関係について綴ったもの。実はこれを見て、他国についての記事ながら、相当センシティヴな問題なので、よくやったな!とは思った。
While antagonising the Chinese government, Rolling Stone's entrance did not overly impress China's cultural commentators. 'Does old Rolling Stone magazine still have any appeal for Chinese youth?' asked well-known counterculture figure Ou Ning on his website. 'I stopped reading the American edition a long time ago. For this Chinese version to survive will require a lot of effort - at the very minimum, it will have to be localised and made more appealing to young people.'