

受刑者は性同一性障害、「配慮を」 日弁連が勧告













時計じかけのオレンジ 完全版 (ハヤカワepi文庫 ハ 1-1)

時計じかけのオレンジ 完全版 (ハヤカワepi文庫 ハ 1-1)

See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080721/1216572422 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080816/1218902725 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20090206/1233860391 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20090618/1245297818


広東語&マンダリンin NY

KIRK SEMPLE “In Chinatown, Sound of the Future Is Mandarin” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/22/nyregion/22chinese.html


Cantonese, a dialect from southern China that has dominated the Chinatowns of North America for decades, is being rapidly swept aside by Mandarin, the national language of China and the lingua franca of most of the latest Chinese immigrants.

The change can be heard in the neighborhood’s lively restaurants and solemn church services, in parks, street markets and language schools. It has been accelerated by Chinese-American parents, including many who speak Cantonese at home, as they press their children to learn Mandarin for the advantages it could bring as China’s influence grows in the world.

But the eclipse of Cantonese — in New York, China and around the world — has become a challenge for older people who speak only that dialect and face increasing isolation unless they learn Mandarin or English. Though Cantonese and Mandarin share nearly all the same written characters, the pronunciations are vastly different; when spoken, Mandarin may be incomprehensible to a Cantonese speaker, and vice versa.


In North America, its rise also reflects a major shift in immigration. For much of the last century, most Chinese living in the United States and Canada traced their ancestry to a region in the Pearl River Delta that included the district of Taishan*1. They spoke the Taishanese dialect, which is derived from and somewhat similar to Cantonese.

Immigration reform in 1965 opened the door to a huge influx of Cantonese speakers from Hong Kong, and Cantonese became the dominant tongue. But since the 1990s, the vast majority of new Chinese immigrants have come from mainland China, especially Fujian Province, and tend to speak Mandarin along with their regional dialects.


In New York, many Mandarin speakers have flocked to Sunset Park, Brooklyn, and Flushing, Queens, which now rivals Chinatown as a center of Chinese-American business and political might, as well as culture and cuisine. In Chinatown, most of the newer immigrants have settled outside the historic core west of the Bowery, clustering instead around East Broadway.



これは知らなかった! 蘇聯における自然破壊として有名なのは何と言ってもカザフスタンウズベキスタンの国境地帯にあるアラル海*1。中国の場合だと、やはり大躍進運動*2を挙げておくべきでしょう。これについても、山田慶児のような優れた科学史家がマンセーしていたということがありました(例えば、『未来への問い 中国の試み』)。
未来への問い―中国の試み (1968年)

未来への問い―中国の試み (1968年)


また、kechackさん*3の「経済至上主義の経済保守が環境保護運動に敵対するでしょうが、真正保守主義者はむしろ環境保護運動に親和的なはずです。本来日本の美しい伝統文化を守ると言うことと、日本の美しい自然を守るということは陸続きで極めて親和的なはずですから」*4について。例えばどこの国でもナショナル・トラスト運動には保守系の人が広範に参加しています。ただ、「美しい伝統文化」が衰退したり、「美しい自然」が消失しつつあるからこそ、〈ウヨ〉が出てくるということも言えるのでは? 俗に「真正保守」と呼ばれているような連中を「真正保守」と呼びたくはないということはありますが、もし〈真の保守〉と呼ぶべき人々がいたとしても、そういう人たちは静かにお能を観たり、お茶を飲んだり、和歌を詠んだりしている筈なので、表面化することはないと思いますが、如何? これは多分どこの国でも同じでしょう。





英国のDaily Telegraphの先月の記事;

School of witchcraft opens in Taiwan
A school of witchcraft has been started by an aboriginal tribe in southern Taiwan who fear that their ancestral rituals would otherwise vanish.

By Nick Collins
Published: 9:49AM BST 21 Sep 2009

Witchcraft is an important part of the Paiwan tribe’s culture, but the number of practising witches it has produced has recently dropped sharply.

The school, which opened last July, has ten students, but the organisers hope it will expand.

Wong Yu-hua, a social affairs official in Pingtung county, where the school is based, told AFP: “We are witnessing the disappearance of the ancient ritual. We are trying hard to preserve it.

“Passing on psychic acts to the young generation is a good way to understand Paiwan culture. We can go back to see how ancestors lived.

“The most sticking problem is that we do not have a written language. That makes it hard for young Paiwans to learn the ritual.”

The Paiwan tribe numbers about 86,000 people but has fewer than 20 witches, a decrease from more than 100 half a century ago.

Taiwan has 490,000 aborigines – descendants of people who have lived on the island for millennia – out of a total population of 23 million.

Paiwan witches are seen as mediums between gods and humans, and the school teaches pupils rituals for blessing people and protecting them from evil.

Witches can use their powers to worship gods and ancestors, pray for weather and for their harvests and perform healing treatments and rituals for hunting and tattooing.

Wong, who comes from a witch family, began a campaign to preserve the traditions last year despite opposition from her mother, an 87-year-old witch who held the traditional belief that witchcraft is inherited through blood lines and not learnt in a classroom, the Taipei Times reported.

Eventually her mother and three other witches were persuaded to open the class, which is held twice a week.

Richard Hazeldine, news editor of the Taipei Times said: "Nowadays the Paiwan are mostly in villages near the rest of the Taiwanese people. They are pretty well integrated.

"The magic is generally seen as a harmless thing, I don't think people will be too worried about it. I think the witches would be similar to a witch doctor - it's not so much magic, it's more healing with traditional plants and remedies.

"The younger people usually leave the villages and work in the cities but where they are based there is a lot of tourism so I guess they do things for tourists during the day and at night they do magic."
