“Homophobic leaders” http://koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/opinon/2017/04/137_228491.html
韓国大統領選挙を巡るTVの討論番組で、ライヴァルである洪準杓の挑発に乗って文在寅が同性愛者に対するヘイト発言をしてしまった事件を巡るThe Korea Timesの社説。それによれば、今回露呈してしまったのは、韓国社会において「保守」「リベラル」問わずに共有されているホモフォビアだという。
Leading liberal and conservative candidates have proven to be homophobic, displaying a visceral dislike toward sexual minorities so that their presidency would likely lead to the continuation of stereotyping and discrimination against them.Frontrunner Moon Jae-in of the liberal Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) said in a recent televised presidential debate that he objected to gay sex and had no intention to legalize it, if elected. Later in a Facebook posting, he argued that he misunderstood the question and corrected himself, saying, "There should be legal grounds to be laid out to eliminate discrimination."
Moon was a human rights lawyer and hearing him say that he was against a minority because of their sexual orientation was nothing short of shocking. His correction could sound as a campaign tactic as claimed by his conservative rival, Hong Joon-pyo from the Liberty Korea Party.
The Korea Timesというのがどういう新聞なのかはわからない。というか、韓国のメディア事情一般に昏いのだが、5月4日付では、安倍晋三の日本国憲法放棄宣言を批判した社説を掲載している;
True, there is a long way to go to reach a social consensus on the endowment of full rights for LGBTs but leaders should be open-minded about people with different sexual orientations and deal first and foremost with the matter strictly as a human rights issue. That could be the first step.
“Abe's mistaken ambition” http://koreatimes.co.kr/www/opinion/2017/05/202_228821.html
See also
Justin McCurry “South Korea must end gay soldier 'witch-hunt', campaigners say” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/04/south-korea-must-end-gay-soldier-witch-hunt-campaigners-say