”Uneasy Rider”(according to Gerge Steiner)


Michael Carlson “Robert Pirsig obituary” https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/apr/25/robert-pirsig-obituary

亡くなったRobert Pirsigを巡って。

George Steiner’s New Yorker review, titled Uneasy Rider, famously compared the book to Herman Melville’s sprawling masterpiece Moby-Dick; other reviewers mentioned Thoreau, whose American transcendentalism also sought to link everyday life and the metaphysical. In a road novel in the spirit of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, Pirsig drew on the aphoristic humour of hippy writers such as Richard Brautigan. “Metaphysics is a restaurant where they give you a 30,000-page menu and no food,” he wrote.
イージー★ライダー [DVD]

イージー★ライダー [DVD]

Moby Dick

Moby Dick

路上 (河出文庫 505A)

路上 (河出文庫 505A)

His motorcycle served as metaphor; the Sutherlands cannot attempt to understand the technology of their bike, but Pirsig insists that the “godhead resides quite as comfortably … in the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of a mountain or in the petals of a flower”. The novel’s subtitle was An Inquiry into Values; a barely disguised Pirsig contends with his own inner duality, an alter ego called Phaedrus, who seeks “quality”, a mutable value different from the Aristotelian definition of “truth” as an absolute.
Robert Pirsigは若い頃、朝鮮戦争に従軍した際に日本にも立ち寄ったことがあるのだが、日本での受容にはけっこう時間がかかったようだ。Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenanceの翻訳がめるくまーる社というスピリチュアル系の出版社から出るのが、1990年のこと。そして、2008年にハヤカワ文庫で再刊。作者の死に関しては、ベタ記事が出たくらいで、ひっそりとしている。
