Malorie Blackman*1 “What libraries do for us – and me”
冒頭に「図書館のない都市は墓場みたいだ(A city without a library is like a graveyard)」というMalala Yousafzai*2 の言葉が引用されている。
To paraphrase a famous scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian*3, what do libraries do for us? Well, they introduce many into the world of literacy and learning and help to make it a lifelong habit; they equalise; they teach empathy and help us to learn about each other; they preserve our cultural heritage; they protect our right to know and to learn; they build communities; they strengthen and advance us as a nation; they empower us as individuals.I myself wouldn't have my lifelong passion for literature, would never have become a writer and certainly wouldn't be the current children's laureate if it hadn't been for visiting my local library as a child.
モンティ・パイソン/ライフ・オブ・ブライアン 完全版 [DVD]
- 出版社/メーカー: ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント
- 発売日: 2008/05/21
- メディア: DVD
- 購入: 15人 クリック: 121回
- この商品を含むブログ (63件) を見る
Libraries are the best literacy resource we have. For children they provide an equaliser that allows everyone access to books, story-telling sessions, homework clubs; expert librarians who give non-partisan assistance and advice regarding books; and warm and safe environments within which to discover and explore the world of literature. Libraries switch children on to a love of reading, with all the ensuing benefits, and can make them lifelong readers. Without them, literacy may increasingly become the province of the lucky few, rather than the birthright of everyone.
Recent figures from Public Libraries News show that nearly 105 UK libraries have either been closed or left local authority control since April 2012.Last week Sheffield's city council announced plans to keep only 12 of its 28 libraries open, unless community groups come forward to run them*4. In the past few weeks Moray council has voted to close seven out of 15 branches. Sefton libraries are due to close a number of their branches. Not to mention the Lincolnshire libraries' cuts that have seen further public outcry, with plans proposed to keep just 15 out of 47 libraries open*5
Liz Bury “Anonymous donor gives £100,000 to keep Jane Austen's ring in Britain”
Liz Bury “Kelly Clarkson gives up Jane Austen's ring”
*1: See eg.
*2:Caroline Davies “Malala Yousafzai opens new Birmingham library” “the teenager shot by the Taliban after speaking out for girls' rights to education in Pakistan”
*3:Mentioned in
*4:“Half of Sheffield's libraries facing axe”
*5:Abigail Tarttelin “'The price of libraries is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation'”