
Hugh Schofield “A French love affair... with graphology” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22198554

仏蘭西でも就職の際に筆跡が重要視されている。半数以上の企業で応募者の審査において筆跡の分析が行われている。企業の担当者が字の上手い/下手、丁寧さ/粗雑さを判断するのではなく、外部の専門家が筆跡を丹念に分析して、字の主の性格を割り出すところに仏蘭西的特徴がある(”the act of writing reveals personality”! )。仏蘭西では大凡1000人の筆跡鑑定の専門家がいる。

In most of the world, the use of graphology in recruitment is marginal. But in France - despite an appreciable decline of writing in recent years thanks to computers - the technique is proving remarkably resilient.

Reliable figures are hard to come by. Graphologists themselves say that between 50% and 75% of companies make some use of hand-writing analysis, even if it is only occasional.

On the other hand, many French companies that do use graphology are reluctant to speak about it openly because the practice is not seen as sufficiently "modern" or "global".

The last independent study was in 1991, and it found that a massive 91% of public and private organisations in France were then making use of handwriting analysis. If that was the case, then 50% today does not seem so far-fetched.

Jean-Hippolyte Michon (1806-1881)というカトリック司祭*2が現代仏蘭西の筆跡鑑定の元祖であるらしく、その弟子Jules Crépieux-Jamin*3の教科書L'ABC de la graphologieは現在も版を重ねている。現代の筆跡鑑定の理論にはユンク心理学の影響が強いということなのだが、日本におけるユンク派、例えば河合隼雄先生*4或いは林道義ちぇんちぇー*5が筆跡について何か論じていたかどうかは知らず。