
Lisa Movius “Shanghai Soul: Exploring Shanghainese Culture (sanghei venho), from the language to the arts” CityWeekend January 7-20 2010, pp.12-13

先ず「海派(Shanghai Style)」という言葉について;

(…) The term Haipai originated with literary and artistic modernization movements over a century ago, but took on a life of its own to describe all forms of culture considered typical of Shanghai.
The most well-known incarnation was ‘40s scribe Zhang Ailing*1, iconic for her descriptions of urban life and the quirky Shanghainese character. Zhang’s modern literary successor Wang Anyi*2 also portrays the finicky Shanghainese, most famous in 长恨歌(Chang He Ge), or Song of Everlasting Sorrow, now available in English translation.
Haipai is generally associated with lane life, speaking Wu (Shanghainese is a dialect of the Wu language), exploring the “petty urbanite” (as Shanghainese jokingly refer to themselves) sensibility and is considered rooted in the Wu-Yue*3 or Jiangnan*4 culture of eastern China. (p.12)

What has not changed about Shanghainese culture is the linglong(玲珑)-ness of Haipai: a focus on exquisite detail, perfection and precision, be it in film or art or music, along with a focus on the personal, intimate and familiar, rather than the broad, politicized strokes of northern China. (ibid.)

