Xinhua “Bishop picks defended” Shanghai Daily 17 May 2006
司教叙任問題について、LIU Bainian(vice-president of the China Patriotic Catholic Assoociation)の発言。5月16日――”The current prosperous development of the Chinese Catholic church owes totally to China’s long-term practice of selecting and ordaining its own bishops and independently managing the churches” また、”It will be doomed to fail if the bishops it appoints go against China’s socialist system.” “That the bishops should be patriotic is the requirement of both the Chinese church and the Chinese people”
China Patriotic Catholic Assoociationによると、中国大陸のカトリック信者は1958年の270万人に対して、現在では500万人であると。
ところで、”The practice for the pope to install a bishop started just about two centuries ago.”というのはどうなの?