Vita and Virginia

Catherine Shoard “Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West romance set for big screen”

女優/劇作家のアイリーン・アトキンス*1の舞台劇Vita and VirginiaがChanya Button*2によって映画化されることになった。まだキャスティングは発表されていない。1992年に初演されたこの戯曲は、ヴァージニア・ウルフとヴィタ・サックヴィル=ウェストとの恋愛/友情関係を描いたもの。

The relationship between the two Bloomsbury luminaries began in 1922 and lasted around a decade, although they remained friends until Woolf’s death in 1941. The novelist dedicated 1928’s Orlando to Sackville-West; Vita’s son, Nigel Nicholson*3, called it “the longest and most charming love-letter in literature”.
オーランドー (ちくま文庫)

オーランドー (ちくま文庫)


Matthew Dennison “Who was the real Vita Sackville-West?”
Vita Sackville-West & Virginia Woolf “A Thing That Wants Virginia”
Maev Kennedy “Vita Sackville-West's erotic verse to her lover emerges from 'intoxicating night'”

さて、 アイリーン・アトキンスは映画『めぐりあう時間たち(Hours)』*4にも出演していた。

めぐりあう時間たち [DVD]

めぐりあう時間たち [DVD]


Moira Weigel “Men can test their sperm count at home with new device Trak”

所謂〈不妊〉の40%は男性側、特にその精子の量的・質的問題に起因していると言われている。しかしながら、或る種の明白な性差別のせいで、所謂〈妊活〉*1は「専ら女性の問題(an exclusively female concern)」とされる傾向がまだまだ強い。

“In general women are getting tested and evaluated much earlier than men,” explains Greg Sommer, co-founder and CEO of Sandstone Diagnostics*2 which makes the Trak device. He met his co-founder Ulrich Schaff at the Sandia National Laboratories*3 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and started exploring the possibility of making an app to track male fertility in 2012. At the time, he says, “it was a wide open space, a wide open market opportunity”. “The fertility industry is exploding. But it’s all focused on women.”

Deborah Lupton*4, a sociology professor at the University of Canberra, Australia, who specializes in digital health studies and pregnancy, says she knows of no other device that allows men to test their sperm count at home. She said she welcomes it, not least because it draws attention to what male partners can do to help conceive. “So much emphasis is placed on women’s bodies in the conception process, including a plethora of apps and fertility monitoring devices and software that are directed specifically at women. It’s about time attention was turned to men and technologies developed to help them.”


Trak works by depositing a few drops of a semen sample into a disposable, single-use cartridge called a Prop. The device spins the cartridge, using centrifugal force to isolate sperm cells. The instructions note: “Seal before spin” – preferable to spraying a semen sample over nearby surfaces.

The Prop provides a reading, indicating whether the sperm concentration (a figure measured in “millions per millimeter”) is “optimal”, “moderate” or “low”. Finally, Trak sends this information to a smartphone app, which allows users to chart their sperm counts over time, keep track of how they correspond to other behaviors including sleep or stress, and to set and measure themselves against “goals”.


Trak devices start shipping in October 2016, priced at $159.99 – and come with a complimentary copy of a male reproductive health guide called Don’t Cook Your Balls. (Research has shown that sperm counts increase as much as 600% when a person who uses hot tubs regularly stops going in the hot tub.)

Like many health tracking startups, Sandstone claims its product will help democratize care by removing the obstacles that prevent people from seeking it. A sperm analysis at the doctor’s office in the US will typically cost $140 to $150, but many fertility treatments are still not covered by health insurance. And then there are questions of inconvenience, shame and stigma.

“It’s a big barrier for couples to go from saying ‘We’re having trouble conceiving’ to saying ‘We’re going to a fertility doctor,” Sommers observes.

Whether such devices become instruments for democratizing healthcare, or simply remain in the hands of early tech adopters – who tend to be disproportionately white and well off – remains to be seen.


And like all tracking devices, Trak also raises important unresolved questions about data privacy. “Consumer health technologies are always sensitive, and all the more so when it comes to areas that a lot of people feel are very private, like fertility,” says Karen Levy*5, a Cornell University professor who focuses on monitoring technologies.

“There can be a psychological benefit to feeling like you have some control over a very vulnerable part of your life – data can give us that feeling.” But Levy points out that the emphasis on the gamification strategies that many apps adopt to engage and motivate users can have negative psychological consequences.

“Scoring and quantifying aspects of sexual health has the potential to be empowering, by giving people data to act on ... but it also has the tendency to make people feel responsible for the underlying number, even if their capability to change that number is somewhat limited.”

Levy adds that the fact that fertility tracking devices are usually used by couples together introduces a whole range of complex questions quite different from a Fitbit or a Calorie Counter. They could have “all kinds of interesting and unanticipated consequences for relationships” – for instance, producing a situation where one partner scrutinizes and tries to control the data of another.

Levy observes that Trak’s project of trying to apply this Quantified Self approach to tracking male fertility flips the gender script. “It will be interesting to see how men respond to this. It might be the case that men are not used to providing sensitive data about their bodies in this context in the way that women have become accustomed to invasive data collection – in which case they might resist using these systems.

“But maybe they’ll see at-home testing kits like Trak as preferable to providing a sperm sample at a testing clinic, and see this as a less privacy-invasive alternative.”

Alvin Toffler


Robert Colvile “Alvin Toffler obituary”


Today, it is almost a commonplace that technology is transforming the world, and that many of us are struggling to cope. But Alvin Toffler, who has died at the age of 87*2, was the first to take that idea into the mainstream in his book Future Shock (1970), which blamed society’s ills on the “dizzying disorientation brought on by the premature arrival of the future”.

It was a sensation, selling millions of copies and turned into a film narrated by Orson Welles*3. Alongside further works such as The Third Wave (1980), it established Toffler as one of the world’s most famous futurists, and saw phrases such as “future shock”, “information overload” and “the information age” added to the lexicon.

未来の衝撃 (中公文庫 M 178)

未来の衝撃 (中公文庫 M 178)

第三の波 (中公文庫 M 178-3)

第三の波 (中公文庫 M 178-3)

Toffler helped to foster the belief within Silicon Valley and elsewhere that the function of technology firms was not just to make money, but to change the world. He also pioneered the idea of the writer as public intellectual, parlaying that first bestseller into a lucrative career as a lecturer, consultant and all-purpose oracle. Toffler’s publicity friendly neologisms and overheated language – one reviewer complained that he “sends flocks of facts and speculation whirling past like birds in a tornado” – did not always catch on. For every “prosumer” (someone who both produces and consumes products or media) there was a forgotten “antiwar”, “cognitariat”, “configurative me” or “practopia”. But many of the authors filling the popular science shelves are essentially colouring within the lines he drew.

He was perennially pessimistic about the ability of government and other bureaucracies (including large companies) to cope with the changes he described. As early as 1996 he warned that the European Union’s “runaway harmonisation of everything in sight from education to standards for automobile tyres” would lead to disaster. Yet he still maintained that while humanity faces “the deepest social upheaval and creative restructuring of all time”, the end result would be a great leap forward for mankind.




2016年7月4日 12時6分









 57年、東映ニューフェイスに合格。迫力のある悪役、敵役として映画「仁義なき戦い」シリーズやテレビドラマ「キイハンター」など多数の作品に出演した。03年に自ら製作・出演したビデオ作品「極道恐怖大劇場 牛頭GOZU」(三池崇史監督)はカンヌ国際映画祭の監督週間で上映された。

仁義なき戦い [DVD]

仁義なき戦い [DVD]

仁義なき戦い 代理戦争 [DVD]

仁義なき戦い 代理戦争 [DVD]

仁義なき戦い 頂上作戦 [DVD]

仁義なき戦い 頂上作戦 [DVD]

仁義なき戦い 完結篇 [DVD]

仁義なき戦い 完結篇 [DVD]



仁義の墓場 [VHS]

仁義の墓場 [VHS]

県警対組織暴力 [DVD]

県警対組織暴力 [DVD]

やくざの墓場 くちなしの花 [VHS]

やくざの墓場 くちなしの花 [VHS]

柳生一族の陰謀 [DVD]

柳生一族の陰謀 [DVD]

赤穂城断絶 [DVD]

赤穂城断絶 [DVD]

宇宙からのメッセージ [DVD]

宇宙からのメッセージ [DVD]

里見八犬伝 [DVD]

里見八犬伝 [DVD]


曽根晴美が死去!Wikiで日ハム選手だったことが判明!? [芸能]」

「日ハム」というのを見ると、東映フライヤーズ! と強く訂正したくなる。ところで、曽根さんの頃のフライヤーズの本拠地は後楽園ではなくて駒沢公園にあった駒沢球場駒沢球場東京オリンピックのために1962年に取り壊される。駒沢が使えなくなったので直ぐに後楽園に本拠を移したと思っていたのだが、フライヤーズが後楽園に正式に本拠地を移すのは1965年なのだった。それまでは神宮球場に間借りしていた。後楽園への移転は国鉄スワローズの神宮本拠地化の煽りであったようだ*4

Recovery of Ginger Baker

Simon Keegan “Cream legend Ginger Baker undergoes open heart surgery”
John Earls “Ginger Baker undergoes open heart surgery”
Jon Blistein “Cream Drummer Ginger Baker Recovering From Heart Surgery”


Hesitation of JP?

Kory Grow “Aerosmith's Joe Perry Addresses Steven Tyler's 'Farewell Tour' Claim”

“"I always hold my breath whenever Steven does an interview on his own," he says with a laugh.” 「常に」という副詞に注目。


安藤健二「「ビキニの水着」誕生から70年 その由来は原爆実験だった」

See also

Natalie Cox “Bikinis on young girls – why is that a problem?”
Katya Foreman “Why the bikini became a fashion classic”
Paula Cocozza “A little piece of history



Agence France-Presse “Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Spanish civil war press pass found”

飛行士にして作家のアントワーヌ・ド・サン=テグジュペリ*1が西班牙内戦時に使用していた記者証が弁護士でアマチュア歴史家のPolicarpo Sánchez氏によってトレド県*2の小村で発見された。これは当時の共和国政府プロパガンダ部門が発行したもの。

Dated 16 April 1937 the media accreditation for the author of The Little Prince was issued by the bureau in charge of propaganda for the losing republican side in Spain’s civil war. All journalists who worked in republican territory were required to register with the department.

Saint-Exupéry was aged 36 at the time and he listed himself in the pass he filled out as being an aviator and “clerk” in what appears to be a mistaken translation into Spanish of ecrivain, the French world for writer.

Saint-Exupéry had listed his address in the Spanish capital as the Hotel Florida, where many writers who came to Spain to cover the war such as Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn*3 stayed.

The conflict pitted soldiers loyal to an elected Socialist-led government known as republicans against rebel nationalist troops under Gen Francisco Franco in his military uprising that ultimately toppled the government.

It was one of the first conflicts to be extensively covered by press around the world, especially by intellectuals who sympathised with the republican side.

Saint-Exupéry, a pioneering pilot of his era, covered the war in 1936 from Barcelona in north-eastern Spain for the French newspaper L’Intransigeant and then in 1937 for Paris-Soir.