

訃報:桂米朝さん89歳=上方落語復興の立役者 人間国宝

毎日新聞 2015年03月19日 22時59分(最終更新 03月20日 08時53分)










毎日新聞 2015年03月20日 00時24分(最終更新 03月20日 01時07分)








 落語家、笑福亭仁鶴さんの話 噺(はなし)のネタをいくつか教えていただいて、稽古(けいこ)をつけていただいて、落語のことをいろいろ教えていただいた師匠です。誠に残念です。ご冥福をお祈りします。

 落語家の笑福亭鶴瓶さんの話 突然のことで言葉もない。うちの師匠(六代目笑福亭松鶴)と戦後に衰退した上方落語を立て直された方。それを引き継ぐのは私たちの世代の役目です。直接習ったことはないが、入院先で松鶴師匠の昔話をうかがったことも懐かしい。私たちがテレビで活躍させてもらえてきたのも、米朝師匠が率先してテレビに出演されて、道を開いてきたから。

 上方落語が低迷していた昭和30年代にラジオで米朝さんの落語を紹介して以来、親交のあったプロデューサーの沢田隆治さん(82)の話 米朝さんがいなかったら、上方落語がここまで復活することはなかった。映画やテレビのコメディー番組などにも出たのも、落語を広めたい一心だった。好奇心旺盛で偉ぶることがなく、誰とでもよく話をする人だった。ゆっくり休んでほしい。





Chris Johnston “Russia moves to stop same-sex spouses receiving UN staff benefits” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/21/russia-stop-same-sex-spouses-receiving-un-staff-benefits-ban-ki-moon-lgbt


The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, announced in July 2014 it would recognise same-sex marriages among its 43,000 staff worldwide, allowing them to receive the same benefits as their heterosexual counterparts. Before the change of policy, UN workers’ personal status was determined by the laws of their country of nationality.

However, the body now recognises same-sex couples married in a country where it is legal, regardless of their nationality.

Russia wants the general assembly’s fifth committee, which is responsible for the UN budget, to overturn Ban’s decision and has asked for a vote on Tuesday. The fifth committee website states that action would be taken on the proposal on Tuesday.

Diplomats said it was unclear how much support there was for the measure, which Russia has been threatening to put to a vote since December. The Russian UN mission declined to comment.

UN-Globe*2, an organisation representing the UN’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender staff, has long campaigned for legal same-sex unions to be recognised by all parts of the UN. The measure brought in last year does not extend to employees of UN agencies, such as Unicef or Unesco.

A UN-Globe spokesman said it was been actively seeking to defeat the Russian moves and supported Ban’s decision last year to widen staff benefits, which it had “fought hard for”.


Worsening on


Ben Doherty “Singapore prepares for life after founding father Lee Kuan Yewhttp://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/19/singapore-prepares-for-life-after-lee-kuan-yew


Earlier on Thursday, a website closely resembling the prime minister’s website announced that Lee had died. This was reported as fact by some media outlets, but it was later retracted as wrong.

Singapore police have announced an inquiry into the hoax.

“Police confirm a report has been lodged and we are looking into the matter,” Assistant Commissioner of Police Melvin Yong said in a statement.

“We take a very stern view against anyone who doctors a government website to spread false information to deceive the public. We will spare no effort to bring them to task. We also advise the public not to spread falsehoods.”

Agence France-Presse “Lee Kuan Yew's condition has worsened, Singapore government says” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/21/lee-kuan-yews-condition-has-worsened-singapore-government-says


AFP “Lee Kuan Yew's condition worsens” Shanghai Daily 18 March 2015

また、息子である現総理の李顕龍(Lee Hsien Loong)の健康もあまり恵まれていないらしい。前立腺癌の手術を受け、2月18日に退院したばかり。



Reuters “Revealed: the terrifying 9ft-long crocodile that walked upright” http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/mar/20/revealed-the-terrifying-3m-long-crocodile-which-walked-like-a-human

米国のノース・カロライナ州で、ノース・カロライナ州立大学の古生物学者Lindsay Zanno*1、ノース・カロライナ自然科学博物館*2の古生物学者Vince Schneider*3らによって、約2億3100万年前の三畳紀に生きていた初期段階の鰐(crocodile)の化石が発見され、Carnufex carolinensisと名づけられた。陸上を二足歩行していたと見られ、体長は約3メートル、立った場合の身長(?)は約1.5メートル。

The creature is named Carnufex carolinensis, meaning “Carolina butcher,” for its menacing features. It was a very early member of the crocodile lineage and was unlike today’s beasts. It was not aquatic and not a quadruped, instead prowling on two legs in the warm equatorial region that North Carolina was at the time.

It lived alongside armoured plant-eating reptiles known as aetosaurs, early mammal relatives and other fierce predators such as the large, long-snouted, water-dwelling, four-legged phytosaurs.

Carnufex is one of the most primitive members of the broad category of reptiles called crocodylomorphs, encompassing the various forms of croc that have appeared on Earth.

“As one of the earliest and oldest crocodylomorphs, Carnufex was a far cry from living crocodiles. It was an agile, terrestrial predator that hunted on land,” Zanno said. “Carnufex predates the group that living crocodiles belong to.”

Carnufex lived just before the appearance of the first dinosaurs, which started as modest creatures in the Triassic before becoming Earth’s dominant land animals. Zanno said Carnufex’s discovery underscores the notion that before dinosaurs became well established in North America, such crocs and their cousins filled the large predator roles.

While the dinosaur lineage eventually produced the world’s largest terrestrial predators, it was the crocodiless and their cousins that typically were the Triassic tough guys. A group related to crocodiles called rauisuchians included large four-legged land predators up to 25 feet (about 8 meters) in length or more.



Kareem Shaheen “Isis destroys historic Christian and Muslim shrines in northern Iraq” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/20/isis-destroys-historic-christian-muslim-shrines-iraq

ISISは3月19日、イラク北部Hamdaniya地区*1シーア派及び基督教の「聖なる場所(holy sites)」を破壊したことを示す写真を公開した。

One photograph released by Isis showed a fighter holding the group’s banner above the dome of a Shia mosque that had been ransacked. Others showed the militants holding banners portraying Imam Hussein, the prophet Muhammad’s grandson and one of the most revered figures in Shia Islam, with captions describing them as evidence of “shirk” or association with God, a charge equivalent to apostasy.

Another photograph showed a bearded militant laying explosives in a Shia mosque.


A series of images also showed the total destruction of what appears to be the tomb of Mar Behnam, a fourth-century site built by the Assyrian king Senchareb and maintained by the Syriac Orthodox church, with nothing left in the wake except rubble. The fate of the nearby Mar Behnam monastery, built in the 12th century as a retreat for Christians to “renew their faith”, is unknown, said Patriarch Ignatius, who returned on Thursday from a visit to Syria.

Mar Behnamの墓の破壊。『ガーディアン』の記事では、墓に「隣接するMar Behnam修道院の帰趨は不明」となっているが、他紙の記事及びWikipediaによれば、ISISは修道院それ自体を破壊している*2
Mar Behnamは異教徒である父親のアッシリア王 Sencharebに殺された殉教者。Wikipediaからちょっと切り抜き;

Mar Behnam was born in the 4th century to Sennacherib II, the Assyrian pagan king of Asuristan. During a hunting trip at Mount Alfaf he met Mar Mattai where he was converted to Christianity and became a disciple of Mar Mattai. He later brought his sister Sara to be healed of leprosy and they were both baptised alongside Behnam's forty companions.

Upon learning of his children's conversion, Sennacherib attempted to convince them to denounce their faith, however they fled to Mar Behnam's hermitage. The king sent soldiers to intercept them who killed his children and their forty companions on a hill near Nimrud. The king later regretted his actions and was himself baptised by Mar Mattai. He also built a monastery on the mount where Mar Mattai healed his daughter.

In the 6th century, a Persian merchant built a shrine on the hill where Mar Behnam died, this later became a large monastery that came to be administered by the Jacobites until 1839 when it was passed to Syriac Catholics. The monastery is traditionally administered by an abbot from Bakhdida.

The monastery was built in the 4th century by an Assyrian king named Senchareb as a penance for killing his son Behnam and daughter Sarah after they converted to Christianity.

The monastery, after its establishment continued its work and contributed greatly to the Christian world under the care of the Syriac Orthodox Church. Sculptures in the church show that renovations were done in 1164 and between 1250-1261. Records show that the monastery suffered greatly during the period from 1743 - 1790 which was due to attacks carried out by Nader Shah the then muslim ruler of Persia against the Christians in the region.

The monks of the monastery established contact with Rome in the 18th century, which led to the gradual conversion of inhabitants of Beth Khdeda to the Syriac Catholic Church.

修道院の起源について、記述に食い違いがあるようだ。どちらがほんとうなのかはわからない。また、修道院がどの教団に属しているのかについても混乱してしまった。「シリア正教会( the Syriac Orthodox church)*3によって維持され」とあるが、現在は「シリア・カトリック教会(Syriac Catholic church)」*4に属している。記事の中でコメントを行っている 「イグナティウス長老」は「シリア・カトリック教会」の「アンティオキア長老」。「シリア・カトリック教会」はヴァティカンからは独立しているが羅馬教皇とはフル・コミュニオンの関係にある。
さて、 イグナティウス長老はISISとともに「西側」も激しく批判している;

The patriarch had received news of the site’s destruction two weeks ago, but it was confirmed with the release of the images.

The patriarch derided what he described as the “machiavellian” strategy, hypocrisy and lies of the coalition fighting Isis, saying western states must block the group’s provisions of arms and financing. He described the seizure of Nineveh by Isis as a conspiracy in which the west is complicit.

“These states that say they have values and principles should not have left them to come,” he said, adding that Christians were being evicted from their ancestral homes across the Middle East.

また、Mar Behnamの墓は基督教とともにアッシリア文化にも属している。アッシリア人としての反応;

“This piece of history cannot be recreated,” said Diana Yaqco, a spokeswoman for A Demand for Action*5, an organisation campaigning for Assyrian rights, describing the latest attack. “[Isis] not only despises our religious beliefs but our literature, arts, and history which is irreplaceable and one of a kind.”

She added: “We call on the responsible organisations to put an end to this. Or we as a people will be wiped out completely along with our churches, buildings and history all together. We will become rubble and dust and make no mistake the world leaders and international community will be judged for watching it all happen right before their eyes.”


*1:See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Hamdaniya_District

*2:See eg. Heatrher Saul “Isis militants blow up 4th-century Christian Mar Behnam monastery in Iraq” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-militants-blowup-ancient-4th-century-christian-mar-behnam-monastery-in-iraq-10123238.html John Hall “ Another blow to Christianity and civilisation: ISIS destroy 4th Century Mar Benham monastery in Iraq” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3002530/Another-blow-Christianity-civilisation-ISIS-destroy-4th-Century-Mar-Benham-monastery-Iraq.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mar_Behnam_Monastery

*3:http://syrian-orthodox.com/ See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syriac_Orthodox_Church http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B7%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E6%AD%A3%E6%95%99%E4%BC%9A

*4:http://syr-cath.org/ See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syriac_Catholic_Church


*6:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20150309/1425838986

*7:See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dur-Sharrukin http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%89%E3%82%A5%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A3%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3

*8:See eg. Kareem Shaheen “Isis ransacking of ancient Assyrian city confirmed by Iraq's head of antiquities” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/12/isis-ransack-ancient-assyrian-city-confirmed-iraq-head-of-antiquities-dur-sharrukin Sameer N. Yacoub “Iraq probes reports of ancient site destruction” http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2015/03/08/ancient-site-khorsabad-attacked-by-islamic-state-reports.html