
Julie Gaubert “Boris Johnson's father to apply for French citizenship” https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/22/boris-johnson-s-father-to-apply-for-french-citizenship

ボリス・ジョンソン*1の父親、スタンリー・ジョンソン氏がブレクジット実現後に仏蘭西国籍を申請するだろうと、スタンリーの娘でボリスの妹であるレイチェル・ジョンソンさん*2が新著Rake's Progress: My Political Midlife Crisisの中で明らかにした。

Stanley Johnson was one of the first British officials in Brussels, as a member of the European Parliament and later of the Commission.

This led his offsprings, including Boris Johnson, to spend part of his childhood in the Belgian capital and to learn French.