Robert Fripp's tribute




2017-02-01 11:32:54


フリップは、ウェットンの奥さんから彼の病状について知らされており、1月31日朝、ウェットンが亡くなったとのメールを彼女から受け取ったという。「ジョンは…、とても安らかに、痛みもなく亡くなった。それは有難いと思う。12年間ジョンのマネージャーを務めたMartin Darvillとも話した。ジョンは5時25分に旅立った」


「この10年の間、勇敢で立派な姿勢でアルコール依存症に立ち向かい、それについて正直に話すJWは僕のヒーローになった。あまり良くない時期および良い時期にジョンのもとを訪れ、僕らはそれまでの30年間以上に親しくなった。彼の会話は素晴らしく明白で、正直でポジティブで、励みとなるものだった。そして、リサ(ウェットンの奥さん)。彼女に声援を! 僕の友人を幸せな男にしてくれて、ありがとう」


Ako Suzuki


Rising at 09.00, from a NightWorld series of adventures from I’m not sure where, to an e-mail from Lisa Wetton sent at 08.49: John… died very peacefully, without pain. Gratitude for this. Martin Darvill, John’s manager for the past twelve years, was also in touch and we spoke: John flew away at 05.25.

John was a pal over almost forty-two years, beginning at Bournemouth College in 1965, two teenage students and local gigsters. We continued in touch during our early professional lives in London, speaking from time to time, before John joined King Crimson in 1972-74 with David Cross, Jamie Muir and Billy B. JW was, for me, the leading bass player of his generation, a player of international class, before John moved increasingly to the front as singer and songwriter: Asia’s debut album was the world’s biggest seller in 1982. We continued as chums, working together when John lived in LA in 1992; and increasingly met for coffee and cakes after John moved back to Bournemouth in the Noughties.

During the past decade, JW became a hero of mine, courageous and exemplary in dealing and speaking frankly of his alcoholism Visiting John during not-so-good times, and then good times, we became closer than in the three previous decades; John’s conversation was wonderfully clear, honest, positive, encouraging. And then Lisa. Hooray! to whom thank you for making my friend a happy man.
