Michael Safi “Three sentenced to 15 months in landmark female genital mutilation trial” http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/mar/18/three-sentenced-to-15-months-in-landmark-female-genital-mutilation-trial
Bridie Jabour “Australia's first female genital mutilation trial: how a bright young girl convinced a jury” http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/nov/13/female-genital-mutilation-trial-young-girl-convinced-jury-australia
Bridie Jabour “Girl told to imagine she was 'a princess in a garden' as she underwent FGM in Australia” http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/sep/15/girl-imagined-she-was-a-princess-in-a-garden-as-she-underwent-fgm
Jayne Margetts “Pair given jail time over genital mutilation of young sisters” http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-18/pair-given-jail-time-over-genital-mutilation-of-young-sisters/7257222
濠太剌利で、72歳の元産婆Kubra Magennisと(被害者のプライヴァシー保護のために名前が明かされていない)二児の母親とシーア派系セクトDawoodi Bohraの指導者Shabbir Mohammedbhai Vaziriが、7歳になった娘たちに「女性器切除」(割礼)*1を行ったとして、逮捕・起訴されていたが、3月18日、懲役15か月の判決が下された。これは濠太剌利におけるFGMに対する初めての刑事裁判であり、また有罪判決である。
Dawoodi Bohraは北アフリカに発し、現在は主に印度のグジャラート州とパキスタンのカラチを中心とするシーア派系のセクト。また、女性器切除を正規の教義に組み入れている唯一のイスラーム系セクトであるという。Wikipediaに曰く、
See also
Khatna, currently categorized as the lowest form of female genital mutilation or Type 1 FGM is thought to be widely practised in the Bohra community, in most cases performed on girls around age 7. The practice may originate in North Africa, where the Dawoodi Bohras trace their origins, and is now considered "intrinsic to their identity". The Dawoodi Bohras are the only Muslim sect in India to practice it; it is mostly kept alive by women, with men "[seeming] unaware that their own daughters and sisters are undergoing the cut". A 2011 Internet petition, to be delivered to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, was the first public protest against female genital mutilation to emerge from the Bohra community.In Australia, in November 2015, a Dawoodi Bohra sheikh along with 2 women were found guilty of genital mutilation of two young girls. The court convicted the three defendants after listening to wire-taps of their conversations. Medical evidence was inconclusive; Dr Susan Marks, the pediatrician who examined the girls, stated it was possible that the hood or partial cliterodectomy had been performed. There was, however, no obvious injury or scarring.
Maiya Taher “Growing Up In The Dawoodi Bohra Muslim Community of Shia Islamr” http://www.browngirlmagazine.com/2015/05/growing-up-in-the-dawoodi-bohra-muslim-community-of-shia-islam/
Progressive Dawoodi Bohra http://www.dawoodi-bohras.com/
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation
Antonia Molloy “What is FGM? Everything you need to know about female genital mutilation” http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/what-is-fgm-everything-you-need-to-know-about-female-genital-mutilation-9580935.html
Sarah Boseley “What is female genital mutilation and where does it happen?” http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/feb/06/what-is-female-genital-mutilation-where-happen
“Female genital mutilation” http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/female-genital-mutilation/Pages/Introduction.aspx ,