Deborah Fallows Dreaming in Chinese

Dreaming in Chinese: And Discovering What Makes a Billion People Tick

Dreaming in Chinese: And Discovering What Makes a Billion People Tick

Deborah Fallows Dreaming in Chinese*1を読了した。


1. Wo ai ni! I love you! The grammar of romance
2. Bu yao! Don't want, don't need! When rude is polite
3. Shi, Shi, Shi, Shi Lion, ten, to make, to be: Language play as a national sport
4. Dabao Do you take away? Why the Chinese hear tones, and we don't
5. Laobaixong Common folk: China's Ordinary Joe
6Ni hao, Wo jiao Minyi Hello, my name is Public Opinion: A brief introducition to Chinese name
7.Dongbei Eastnorth: Finding your way in China―the semantics of time and place
8. Wo, Ni, Ta, Ta, Ta I, you, he, she, it: Disappearing pronouns and the sense of self
9. Renao Hot-and-noisy: Think like the Chinse think
10.Ting bu dong. I don't understand. A billion people; countless dialects
11.Hanzi Characters: The essence of being Chinese
12. Bu keyi Not allowed: Rules to follow and rules to break
13. Dizhen Earthquake: Out of calamity, tenderness
14.Ni de Zhogwen hen hao Your Chinese is really good!

Pronounciation guide


This book is the story of what I learned about the Chinese language, and what the language taught me about China. (p.15)

(…) The language also unexpectedly became my way of making sense of China, my telescope into the country. Foreigners I met and know in China used their different passions to help them interpret China: artists used China's art world, as others used Chinese cooking, or traditional medicine, or business, or music, or any number of things they know about. I used the language, or more precidely, the study of the language. (p.14)