
“German poster campaign launched to find surviving Nazis” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23428997
Associated Press “Germany launches poster appeal to find last remaining Nazi war criminals” http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jul/23/germany-poster-appeal-nazi-war-criminals-wiesenthal

独逸の伯林、ハンブルク、ケルンに「遅い、だが遅すぎはしない」というコピーでナチス残党摘発を呼びかけるポスターが貼り出されている。Simon Wiesenthal Center*1による*2BBCの記事から引用;

As part of its "Operation Last Chance II" project, the centre is offering rewards of up to 25,000 euros (£21,500; $33,080) for information which helps to prosecute war criminals in Germany.

The centre, which is one of the largest Jewish human rights organisations, is asking for tip-offs via a hotline it has set up.


*1:See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20090314/1236958598

*2:Simon Wiesenthal Center “Under the Slogan "Late But Not Too Late," the Wiesenthal Center Launches a Publicity Campaign in Germany for Operation Last Chance II” http://www.wiesenthal.com/site/apps/nlnet/content2.aspx?c=lsKWLbPJLnF&b=4441467&ct=13224167#.Ue8iRayHavC