

“Idiots Use Plane Crash in San Francisco to Mock Asians, Blame North Korea” http://publicshaming.tumblr.com/post/54791337536/idiots-use-plane-crash-in-san-francisco-to-mock-asians

嫌亜或いは嫌韓とはレヴェルが違うが、「韓国文化」が今回の事故に関係しているという論調もある。例えばHeesun Wee “Korean culture may offer clues in Asiana crash” *3。曰く、

South Korea's aviation industry has faced skepticism about its safety and pilot habits since a few deadly crashes beginning in the 1980s. But despite changes, including an improved safety record, Korea's aviation sector remains rooted in a national character that's largely about preserving hierarchy―and asking few questions of those in authority.

"The Korean culture has two features―respect for seniority and age, and quite an authoritarian style," said Thomas Kochan, a professor at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "You put those two together, and you may get more one-way communication―and not a lot of it upward."

In the Korean language, you speak to superiors and elders in an honorific form that requires more words and can be more oblique than in English, for example. It's less, "Yo! You want water?"; and more, "It's a warm day for a nice refreshment, no?" This may sound trivial. But put this in the context of a cockpit, where seconds and decision-making are crucial, and communication and culture can matter.

Korea's authoritarian structure, not surprisingly, is reflected in its industries including aviation, where co-pilots traditionally have not been encouraged to challenge senior pilots. Military training only adds to constant self-awareness about where you are in an organization's pecking order―and not speaking out of turn.

While workplace trends are modernizing, many Korean companies still promote and reward seniority―over merit and achievements. And it's this constant reminder of a pecking order that can grip a military unit, an aviation cockpit―even a national soccer system.

さらに、アシアナ航空機のコックピット内で殆ど問題点の議論がなかったというLos Angeles Timesの記事へのリンクが張られている*4。この記事の筆者は韓国系の人であり、これを西洋人によるオリエンタリズム的なステレオタイプに還元することはできないだろう。ここに指摘されていることは、程度の差はあるものの、(大雑把に)東亜細亜という範囲で共有されていることではある。


*2:Via 「「アジア人に操縦させるな」 アシアナ機事故後、ヘイトツイート続々」http://www.huffingtonpost.jp/2013/07/11/asiana_n_3583850.html


*4:Ralph Vartabedian, Dan Weikel and Laura J. Nelson “Cockpit actions of pilots in Asiana Airlines crash scrutinized” http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-0709-sfo-crash-probe-20130709,0,479461,full.story