Michael J. Sandel on “global moral and political ethic”

 Michael J. Sandel “Prioritize global public ethics over marketplace” Shanghai Daily 12 June 2007 

Michael J. Sandelの5月27日上海復旦大学での講演。
問い――”Is it possible to build a global moral and political ethic on the foundation created by commerce and new technologies of communication?”

The goal of a dialogue among civilizations—the aim of the global moral education that I’m describing—is not one universal ethic that transcends all differences. That seems to me neither possible nor desirable.
The aim of a global public ethic should rather be to awaken in peoples a deeper understanding of their own traditions, and of the moral and spiritual resources for cooperation in a very complicated world.
Unless the participants have a deep knowledge of their own traditions, they will have little to contribute to a dialogue among civilizations. And having little to contribute, they will lack a firm place to stand.