Lanre Bakare “British pop art pioneer Derek Boshier dies aged 87”
「ボウイ『Let's Dance』&ザ・クラッシュ『Give 'Em Enough Rope』のカヴァーをデザイン、英ポップアート界の第一人者デレク・ボシャー死去」
さらに、アルバムLet’s Danceのアート・ワークも。
After his training at the Royal College, Boshier taught at the Central School of Art and Design, where one of his pupils was John Mellor, later known as Joe Strummer, of the Clash. This led to Boshier designing the Clash’s second songbook, which included a collection of drawings and paintings released in conjunction with the 1978 album Give ’Em Enough Rope.Another relationship with a musician – this time David Bowie, whom Boshier helped create the sleeve for the third album of his Berlin trilogy, Lodger – was forged after the Lives exhibition at the Hayward Gallery in 1979.
Katie Bain "David Bowie and The Clash Were Fans of Derek Boshier’s Art, and You Should Be Too"