
John Bartlett “Far-right populist, ex-protest leader set for runoff vote in Chile’s presidential election” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/21/far-right-populist-looks-set-to-win-first-round-of-chiles-presidential-election

チリ大統領選挙には5名が立候補しているが、第1回投票の結果、「極右ポピュリスト」のJosé Antonio Kast(共和党)と、35歳の元学生運動のリーダーでリベラル左派のGabriel Boric(広範戦線党)が、得票率それぞれ28%と25.6%と大接戦。さらに、Franco Parisiが14%、Yasna Provoste(中道派)とSebastián Sichel(元閣僚)がそれぞれ12%ずつ。3位のFranco Parisiは米国から選挙戦を指揮しており、選挙期間中本国チリには一度も足を踏み入れていない。来月行われる決選投票はJosé Antonio KastとGabriel Boricの2人によって争われることになる。

The vote marks a sharp departure from the progressive trajectory Chile has followed since era-defining anti-inequality protests exploded in October 2019.

Millions took to the streets in demonstrations to decry a host of inequalities and injustices, leading to the country opting to rewrite its dictatorship-era constitution in a plebiscite last October.

When the referendum was held nearly 80% of Chileans voted to draft a new constitution, and in a subsequent vote this year independent and leftist candidates swept into the assembly that is currently writing the new document.