
Jean Hannah Edelstein*1 “From sex to alcohol, American teenagers are in no rush to grow up” https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/sep/21/sex-alcohol-american-teenagers-no-rush

最近、児童心理学の専門誌であるChild Developmentに掲載されたJean M. Twenge & Heejung Park “The Decline in Adult Activities Among U.S. Adolescents, 1976–2016”という研究によれば*2によれば、40年前の1976年と比べて現在の米国のティーンエイジャーでは、セックス、飲酒などの「大人の活動(adult activities)」を経験した割合が激減している。2016年の18歳は1976年の15歳!

A new study published in Child Development, drawing on longitudinal data from millions of American teens between 1976 and 2016, finds that “in terms of adult activities, 18-year-olds now look like 15-year-olds once did”.

By “adult activities”, the authors are referring to beloved past-times like drinking and sex, as well as dating, driving and having jobs. In other words: on average, American teens today are not growing up as fast as previous generations. And the degree to which this news has been received with surprise and concern reveals an ugly side of American culture: a collective belief that the teen years should be a period of debauchery.

1990年代後半の紐育におけるJean Hannah Edelsteinさん自身の非リア充的な生活が語られているのだが、それは飛ばす。

And yet there are inevitable questions about this upswing in good behavior by young people: whether it’s a sign that their lives are worse than their predecessors. Dr Jean Twenge, one of the authors of the study, notes that kids living their lives through smartphones may be a driver in the reduction of sex and alcohol use: if your friends are virtual, then it’s hard to get drunk and sleep with them.

Twenge has also pointed out that the decrease in these so-called “adult behaviors” has broadly correlated with a massive increase in mental health issues within the same age group, which may be due in part to a different version of the same extra-engaged parenting that keeps kids away from sex and alcohol*3.

*1:See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20160811/1470884861

*2:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cdev.12930/epdf 但し、上掲の記事はこの論文を直接参照してはおらず、リンクされているのはJenny Anderson “When it comes to sex, dating, and drinking, 18 is the new 15 for American teens”https://qz.com/1081196/when-it-comes-to-teen-sex-dating-and-drinking-teens-are-doing-much-less-of-it/

*3:See Jenny Anderson “Why are our kids so miserable?” https://qz.com/642351/is-the-way-we-parent-causing-a-mental-health-crisis-in-our-kids/ Jean M. Twenge "Time Period and Birth Cohort Differences in Depressive Symptoms in the U.S., 1982–2013" https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11205-014-0647-1