

“Bernie Sanders on how to avoid war with North Korea” https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jul/19/bernie-sanders-show-podcast-william-j-perry-north-korea

バーニー・サンダース*2ポッドキャスト Bernie Sanders Show*3の抜粋。北朝鮮問題を巡って、クリントン政権で国防長官を務めたウィリアム・J・ペリーの意見を伺う。要点は2つか。金正恩は「無慈悲な」悪人だけど「気狂い」ではないので、トランプは核問題を巡る北朝鮮との交渉を即時開始すべし。また、「にんじんと鞭」。

Perry We need to offer both carrots and sticks.

We and our allies, Japan and South Korea, have many carrots to offer. South Korea and Japan have both offered economic incentives in the past, and would be willing to offer them again. The US could offer security assurances. That doesn’t cost anything, but it’s something we could offer.

The sticks would have to come from China, which would be cutting off the trade they have. They would not do that by themselves. As part of a package, we might be able to persuade them to do it.