
Agence France-Presse “German Red Army Faction trio wanted by Dutch police” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/26/german-red-army-faction-militants-wanted-dutch-police


Ernst-Volker Staub, 61, Burkhard Garweg, 47, and 57-year-old Daniela Klette are former members of the Red Army Faction (RAF), which sowed terror in the 1970s and 80s in a campaign of bombings, kidnappings and killings.

The three are wanted for a spate of robberies on money transporters*2 and at least six supermarket heists.

“Police have reason to believe that the three are living in the Netherlands,” a statement said. “Crimes were committed on the Dutch-German border, they have not yet been detained in Germany and a mobile phone belonging to one of the fugitives was switched off in the Netherlands.”

Between €46,000 and €100,000 were stolen in each holdup – except on 7 May, when the robbers escaped with a guard’s firearm but no cash, and on 6 June.

On that day another cash-in-transit van was attacked with an AK-47 assault rifle. The raiders fled without taking any cash, police said.

Detectives are focusing on the Netherlands where the three may be living on a small secluded farm or anonymously in a city, “constantly changing from home to home and pretending to be tourists … The fugitives are armed and dangerous and should by no means be approached when spotted,” the police said.

RAFは当初反蘇聯社会帝国主義を掲げる毛沢東主義集団だったが、何時頃からか(帝国主義と同様に宿敵であった筈の)社会帝国主義蘇聯や東独の情報機関にコントロールされるようになったといわれる(See eg.中村好寿『軍事革命(RMA) 』)。さて、2011年には、RAFの結成には西独の左翼運動を暴力化させ、西独社会を混乱に陥れようとした東独の秘密警察(STASI)*3の陰謀が絡んでいたことが暴露されている。RAFの創設者のひとりで、STASIの工作員だったとされるHorst Mahlerの(政治)思想遍歴は波乱万丈で、社会民主主義者から毛沢東主義者になり*4、現在は「極右ナショナリスト」である*5
軍事革命(RMA)―“情報”が戦争を変える (中公新書)

軍事革命(RMA)―“情報”が戦争を変える (中公新書)

RAFについては、Francis Wheen Strange Days Indeed: The Golden Age of Paranoia*6も参照されたい。
Strange Days Indeed: The Golden Age of Paranoia

Strange Days Indeed: The Golden Age of Paranoia


*2:See Kate Connolly “Former Red Army Faction members linked to botched robbery” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/19/former-red-army-faction-members-linked-to-botched-robbery

*3:Mentioned in http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080331/1206898459 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20131229/1388280473


*5:Helen Pidd “Baader-Meinhof terrorist may have worked for the Stasi” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/01/baader-meinhof-gang-founder-stasi

*6:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110614/1308025865