
Nick Stockton “A Knock on the Head Can Give You the British Accent of Your Dreams” http://www.wired.com/2016/06/fake-british-accents-real-medical-condition/ *1

所謂「外国語様アクセント症候群(Foreign accent syndrome)」*2を巡って。神経の損傷や心理的なストレスによって、母語の発音が突然外国語訛りになってしまう病気。最初に症例が報告されてから100年余りで報告例は100件に満たない。

To American ears, British accents have power. Intelligence. Passion. Charm. Class. Sincerity. Its long vowels are the love of your favorite auntie, the gaze of your heaviest crush, the wit of your favorite professor. Americans’ love for the British accent is quite possibly the glue in one of the tightest diplomatic relationships in world history. Woe to the charlatans who twist that to their own purposes.
と記している。現代の米国人は「英国訛り」にポジティヴな印象を持っているのか。「英国訛り」については、「うさこ」さんの「0146. Spartacus (1960)」も参照のこと*4
See also

Larry Seward “Rosenberg woman sounds British after surgery” http://www.khou.com/news/local/rosenberg-woman-sounds-british-after-surgery-1/251858813
Keulen S., Verhoeven J., De Page L., Jonkers R., Bastiaanse R., & Mariën P. “Psychogenic Foreign Accent Syndrome: A New Case” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27148003