
John Vidal “Huge coral reef discovered at Amazon river mouth”


But the reef, no sooner found, is said to be in grave danger. According to the paper, the Brazilian government has sold 80 blocks for oil exploration and drilling at the mouth of the Amazon and 20 of these are already producing oil – some, it is thought, right on top of the reef.

“These [exploration] blocks will soon be producing oil in close proximity to the reefs, but the environmental baseline compiled by the companies and the Brazilian government is ... largely based on sparse museum specimens. Such large-scale industrial activities present a major environmental challenge,” said the study’s authors.

See also

Robinson Meyer “Scientists Have Discovered a 600-Mile Coral Reef”

*1:See also

*2:See Rodrigo L. Moura, Gilberto M. Amado-Filho, Fernando C. Moraes, Poliana S. Brasileiro, Paulo S. Salomon, Michel M. Mahiques, Alex C. Bastos, Marcelo G. Almeida, Jomar M. Silva Jr, Beatriz F. Araujo, Frederico P. Brito, Thiago P. Rangel, Braulio C. V. Oliveira, Ricardo G. Bahia, Rodolfo P. Paranhos, Rodolfo J. S. Dias, Eduardo Siegle, Alberto G. Figueiredo Jr, Renato C. Pereira, Camille V. Leal, Eduardo Hajdu, Nils E. Asp, Gustavo B. Gregoracci, Sigrid Neumann-Leitão, Patricia L. Yager, Ronaldo B. Francini-Filho, Adriana Fróes, Mariana Campeão, Bruno S. Silva, Ana P. B. Moreira, Louisi Oliveira, Ana C. Soares, Lais Araujo, Nara L. Oliveira, João B. Teixeira, Rogerio A. B. Valle, Cristiane C. Thompson, Carlos E. Rezende and Fabiano L. Thompson “An extensive reef system at the Amazon River mouth”