Elton contre D & G

Press Association “Elton John: boycott Dolce & Gabbana over 'synthetic' IVF babies comment” http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/mar/15/elton-john-boycott-dolce-gabbana-synthetic-ivf-babies-comment
Rosie Scammell, Kevin Rawlinson and Josh Halliday “Elton John and leading LGBT groups call for Dolce & Gabbana boycott” http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/mar/15/elton-john-leading-lgbt-groups-dolce-gabbana-boycott

伊太利のファッション・デザイナー、ドメニコ・ガッバーナとステファノ・ドルチェが体外受精IVF)で生まれた子どもを「合成子ども(synthetic children)」とdisったことに対して、エルトン・ジョン*1は2人のブランドD & Gのボイコットを呼びかけた;

How dare you refer to my beautiful children as "synthetic". And shame on you for wagging your judgemental little fingers at IVF - a miracle that has allowed legions of loving people, both straight and gay, to fulfil their dream of having children. Your archaic thinking is out of step with the times, just like your fashions. I shall never wear Dolce and Gabbana ever again. #BoycottDolceGabbana
このエルトン・ジョンの呼びかけには、Peter Tatchell*3やRuth Hunt*4といった同性愛者権利擁護活動家も賛同している;

He ended his note with the campaign hashtag #BoycottDolceGabbana. Gay rights activist Peter Tatchell said he was also supporting a D&G boycott.

He told the Guardian: “It’s quite outrageous that two gay fashion designers who have relied on the gay community for much of their success are opposing gay equality. They’re lining up with the Pope and the far right in their support for legal discrimination.”

He added: “If they don’t want to be parents that’s fine, but it’s deeply insulting to disparage the many same sex parents who have brought up children happily and successfully.”

Ruth Hunt, the chief executive of the LGBT equality group Stonewall, added: “We strongly dispute the comments made by Dolce and Gabbana. Being a good parent has nothing to do with sexual orientation or whether a child has two mums or two dads. The important thing is a loving family, whatever it’s make up.”

さらに、 昨年12月にガールフレンドと結婚した元テニス・プレイヤーのマルティナ・ナヴラティロワ*5も支援を表明している。

*1:See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20060607/1149681079 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100322/1269285903 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100105/1262693286 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100819/1282187836 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110102/1293991362 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110316/1300247521 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110429/1304048261 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20130710/1373455957 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20141221/1419171398


*3:http://www.petertatchell.net/ https://twitter.com/PeterTatchell See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Tatchell

*4:http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ruth-hunt/6/445/54a See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Hunt

*5:http://www.martinanavratilova.com/ See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martina_Navratilova http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AB%E3%83%81%E3%83%8A%E3%83%BB%E3%83%8A%E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%83%81%E3%83%AD%E3%83%AF 結婚については、例えばJenny Johnstone “How I told my children Martina was their new mummy - by the beauty queen (with a VERY colourful past!) who became Mrs Navratilova last month” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2894948/How-told-children-Martina-new-mummy-beauty-queen-colourful-past-Mrs-Navratilova-month.html Katty Kay “Martina Navratilova's wedded bliss” http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30490513

*6:Lizzy Davies “Pasta firm Barilla boycotted over 'classic family' remarks” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/26/pasta-firm-barilla-boycott-gay Mentioned in http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20130927/1380290487 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20130930/1380561685