
Peter Walker “North Korea internet service resumes after shutdown” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/23/north-korea-internet-shutdown


The issue of who carried out a cyber-attack, if there was one, is complicated by the fact that knocking out North Korea’s web network would not be a particularly difficult task. It has a total of 1,024 IP addresses – in a country of 25 million people – a single service provider and one connection to the outside world, via China. “Any one of us that was upset because we couldn’t watch the movie, you could do that,” said Dan Holden, director of security research at Arbor Networks. “Their internet is just not that sophisticated.”

It is not known how many people in North Korea have access to the internet, but given the tiny extent of the network it is believed to run to just a handful of people among the political elite. Mobile phones are becoming more common in the country, but these are not able to make overseas calls or access the web.

North Korea also has its own very tightly regulated intranet called Kwangmyong, or Bright, to which a slightly larger elite group has access. This provides a connection between industry, universities and government, and is believed to be used mainly to pass information rather than entertainment or commerce.

また、映画The Interviewへの脅迫問題*2

Dominic Rushe “Sony approves limited US release of The Interview on Christmas Day” http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/dec/23/the-interview-us-screening-christmas-day

Sony Picturesは一転して、映画The Interviewを限られた映画館で上映することを決定。また、ヴィデオ・オン・ディマンド(VOD)での公開も検討しているようだ。
『朝日』 の記事;

大韓航空前副社長の逮捕状請求へ ナッツ・リターン騒動






Carole Landry “US envoy says North Koreans face 'living nightmare'” http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-envoy-says-north-koreans-face-living-nightmare/ar-BBh7qBd
