Philip Oltermann “Football fans and neo-Nazis clash with police in Cologne”
Football hooligans and members of the German far right clashed with riot police in the centre of Cologne on Sunday as a demonstration against Islamic extremism turned violent.About 2,500 hardline football fans and members of neo-Nazi organisations gathered under the banner “Hooligans against Salafists”. The march had been registered by a regional far-right party, called “Pro NRW”.
A counter demonstration under the motto “Shoulder to shoulder against racism and religious extremism”, organised by anti-fascist activists, had drew about 500 people.
Cologne newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger said drunken protesters hurled bottles, rocks, fireworks and bicycles at police, injuring at least 13. One police van was tipped over. Some of the protesters were reportedly shouting “Foreigners out” and “Free, social and national: National Socialism now”.
Police in riot gear used batons, pepper spray and water canons to contain the situation and made six arrests. A police union spokesperson told Die Welt that they were dealing with a new phenomenon inside the German football hooligan scene which could become highly dangerous.
ケルンでは、2007年にモスク建設の反対運動が起こり*1、2008年にはネオナチ勢力が「反イスラム化国際会議」を企画したが「市民の実力行使により粉砕された」ということがあった(三浦耕喜 )*2。
ところで、ナチスとイスラームとの関係について、Ian Johnson A Mosque in Munich*4を取り敢えずマークしておく。
A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, the CIA, and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West
- 作者: Ian Johnson
- 出版社/メーカー: Mariner Books
- 発売日: 2011/04
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- この商品を含むブログを見る
*2:Cited in
*3: See eg.
*4:Mentioned in