「西安高校:学生到富士康打工是必修課 和軍訓差不多」http://www.northnews.cn/2013/1012/1418300.shtml http://www.northnews.cn/2013/1012/1418300_2.shtml
Aditya Chakrabortty “Forced student labour is central to the Chinese economic miracle” http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/oct/14/forced-student-labour-china-apple
これも富士康(Foxconn)の話。こちらの方で強制的に働かされていたのは大学生ではなく(中等教育に属する)職業学校の生徒。Jenny Chanと Pun Ngaiと Mark Seldenの調査によれば、Zhang Lintong(仮名)は2011年、16歳のとき、学校の校外実習の名の下に、故郷から遙かに離れた広東省深圳の富士康の工場で、「美術専攻」にも拘わらず*4iPhoneなどの組立てを6か月間に亙って強いられた。 Zhang Lintongの話は「典型的」であるという;
Incredible as it sounds, Zhang's story is actually typical. As the number one supplier to Apple and manufacturer for a host of other consumer-electronics firms, Foxconn is one of the largest employers in China – and among the biggest users of student labour. In October 2010, the company estimated that, at times, up to 15% – or 150,000 – of its million-strong workforce were students*5. More than 28,000 were estimated to be interning for Apple alone. Last year, academics reported that 70% of the staff at a Honda gearbox factory were from secondary schools*6Nor is such exploitation merely the stuff of recent history: just last week, Foxconn admitted that it had broken the law by making schoolchildren work overtime and night shifts. More than a thousand of them had reportedly been building the soon-to-be released PlayStation 4 games consoles*7.
In one factory, the students complained about stomach aches, about choking – and they'd ask about the safety of their workplace. How did their teacher respond? As he later told the researchers, he invoked the nuclear disaster at Fukushima: "Take a moment to think about the selflessness of the scientists and the medical teams [at Fukushima] when Japan reported the tragic radiation leak. None of the Japanese withdrew from rescue work. So everyone of us should take responsibility for the good of humanity." (…)
*1:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20090808/1249741839 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110103/1294080150
*2:http://www.bxait.cn/ See eg. http://baike.baidu.com/view/1211338.htm これは「西安工業大学」(http://www.xatu.cn/ See also eg. http://baike.baidu.com/view/4037.htm )とは無関係ではないが、別の大学。国立大学たる「西安工業大学」の内部に設立された私立で、株式会社制の大学。「西安工業大学」は株主に当たる。
*3:Mentioned in http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20060830/1156906962 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20060901/1157080299 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20060905/1157476195