Transcendental/empirical idealism(Memo)

Kant: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

Kant: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

Roger Scruton Kant: A Very Short Introduction*1からメモ。

The first edition of the Critique contained a lengthy exposition of the theory of transcendental idealism. This was deleted by Kant from the second edition, perhaps because it gave too muchencouragement to the ambiguity described above*2. Kant also added the section called 'The Refutation of Idealism'(...), which attempted to provide a positive proof of objectivity, and a disproof of 'empirical idealism' attributed to Berkeley. Emprical idealism is the view that 'emprical' objects are nothing but perceptions, and that the world of science has no reality beyond the experience of the observer. All enprical objects become 'ideal' entitities, with no reality outside our conception of them. By contrast, Kant argues, transcendental idealism is a form of emprical realism: it impleis that emprical objects are real. (p.57)
人知原理論 (岩波文庫)

人知原理論 (岩波文庫)

*1:Mentioned in

*2:See pp.56-57 of this book.