
“Riots grip Stockholm suburbs after police shooting “ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22622909
Stephen Evans “Stockholm riots throw spotlight on Swedish inequality” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22650267
Anthony Lane “Swedish police try to restore order in Stockholm after week of rioting” http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/may/24/swedish-police-stockholm-rioting
Aditya Chakrabortty “Swedish riots: if instability can happen here, what might unfold elsewhere?” http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/may/27/swedish-riots-inequality-stockholm

先月の後半、瑞典ストックホルム郊外のHusby*1で1週間に亙る暴動が発生した。移民に対する警察のレイシスト的な振る舞いによって点火された暴動というのは、2011年の倫敦*2の例を引く迄もなく、ヨーロッパにおいては珍しくもないことだとはいえるのだろう。今回衝撃的だったことのひとつは、(例えばシバキ主義の保守党政権下の英国ではなくて)弱者やマイノリティにやさしい社会と広く認められている瑞典で起こった暴動だとということだろう。Aditya Chakraborttyは、瑞典には新自由主義的な政策が実際にかなり浸透していることを指摘している。また瑞典は世界でも貧富の格差拡大のスピードが速い国なのである。Stephen Evansの記事から引用;

Many said there was a wider context of a growing gap between rich and poor in Sweden.

On OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) figures, Sweden has seen the biggest increase in inequality of any developed country over the past 25 years.


Immigrants and their descendants tend to congregate in areas such as Husby, the neighbourhood west of Stockholm where the violence started on Sunday.

About 80% of the 11,000 residents are either first- or second-generation immigrants.

Accordingly, this week's troubles have raised the volume of the debate in Sweden on immigration. About 15% of the population was born outside the country, the highest proportion in any of the Nordic countries.

The influx has come mostly from war-torn countries like Iraq, Somalia, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Syria. In 2012, Sweden accepted 44,000 asylum seekers, up by nearly 50% from a year earlier.

The Swedish riots have similarities with those in London two years ago and in Paris in 2005 - an incident triggered widespread attacks on property, although there is no evidence of looting in Stockholm as there was in London.

But there does seem to be a particular Swedish problem. The country had a reputation for generosity and an especially welcoming attitude but now something is clearly going wrong.

Aje Carlbom, a social anthropologist at Malmo University, said the government needed to accept that immigrants arriving without an adequate education were likely to remain unemployed.

He said: "Maybe a lot of money should be invested in second- and third-generation immigrants, to make sure they learn Swedish. The parents' generation, I think, unfortunately, is probably a lost cause in terms of integration."

The difficulty is that Sweden has always been perceived as a high-spending country, with generous provisions for education and social help.



スウェーデンの挑戦 (岩波新書)

スウェーデンの挑戦 (岩波新書)
