
Bicycle Diaries

Bicycle Diaries

デヴィッド・バーンがパワーポイントのスライドにイラストと音楽ファイルを仕込んでショート・ムーヴィを作り、パワーポイントの開発者であるBob Gaskins*1らの前でプレゼンテーションしたという(『ちゃりんこ日記』*2、pp.240-241)。曰く、”I removed, or rather never included, what is usually considered “content,” and what is left is the medium that delivers that content.”(p.240)
バーンはパワポを使ったスライド・トークを”a form of contemporary theater”だという――”a kind of ritual theater that has developed in boardrooms and academia rather than on the Broadway stage.”(pp.240-241) そして、

No one can deny that a talk is a performance, but again there is a pervasive myth of objectivity at work in those corporate and academic “performance spaces”--that performing is acting and therefore it's not “real.” Acknowledging a talk as a performance anathema. I want to dispel this myth of authenticity somewhat, in an entertaining and gentle way. (p.241)
See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20090225/1235577052