

葉文心(Wen-hsin Yeh)氏へのインタヴュー記事。氏が2007年に刊行したShanghai Splendor: Economic Sentiments and the Making of Modern China, 1843-1949(『上海繁華』)の中訳本が中国内地で近々刊行されることに因んだインタヴュー(繁体字版は台湾で既に刊行されている)。
葉文心氏*1は中国近代史専攻で、バークレーの東亜研究所(Institute of East Asian Studies)*2の所長*3。同研究所が設立されて以来、初の亜細亜系の所長であると同時に初の女性の所長である。葉氏の母方の曽祖父は近代の思想家、厳復*4であり、母親は小説家の華厳(厳停雲)。主著はShanghai Splendorのほかに、Provincial Passages: Culture, Space, and the Origin of Chinese CommunismThe Alienated Academy: Culture and politics in Republican China, 1919-1937
Shanghai Splendorの内容は、カリフォルニア大学出版会のサイトによれば、

Rich with details of everyday life, this multifaceted social and cultural history of China's leading metropolis in the twentieth century offers a kaleidoscopic view of Shanghai as the major site of Chinese modernization. Engaging the entire span of Shanghai's modern history from the Opium War to the eve of the Communist takeover in 1949, Wen-hsin Yeh traces the evolution of a dazzling urban culture that became alternately isolated from and intertwined with China's tumultuous history. Looking in particular at Shanghai's leading banks, publishing enterprises, and department stores, she sketches the rise of a new maritime and capitalist economic culture among the city's middle class. Making extensive use of urban tales and visual representations, the book captures urbanite voices as it uncovers the sociocultural dynamics that shaped the people and their politics.
Andrew David Field Shanghai's Dancing World*5を見たら、The Alienated AcademyのほかにWartime Shanghai(Routledge, 1998)という本が援用されていた。
Shanghai's Dancing World: Cabaret Culture and Urban Politics, 1919-1954

Shanghai's Dancing World: Cabaret Culture and Urban Politics, 1919-1954