


タイトルだけ見ると、「議論などくだらない!」だから手っ取り早く実力行使だ! と主張しているのではないかと思ってしまうのだが、実は正反対の主張である。「議論などくだらない」、だからこそ「議論」は肯定されなければならない。曰く、







Actions and speech go on between men, as they are directed toward them, and they retain their agent-revealing capacity even if their content is exclusively “objective,”concerned with the matters of the world of things in which men move, which physically lies between them and out of which arise their specific, objective, worldly interests. These interests constitute, in the word's most literal significance, something which inter-est, which lies between people and therefore can relate and bind them together. Most action and speech is concerned with this in-between, which varies with each group of people, so that most words and deeds are about some worldly objective reality in addition to being a disclosure of the acting and speaking agent. Since this disclosure of the subject is an integral part of all, even the most “objective” intercourse, the physical, worldly in-between along with its interests is overlaid and, as it were, overgrown with an altogether different in-between which consists of deeds and words and owes its origin exclusively to men's acting and speaking directly to one another. This second, subjective in-between is not tangible, since there are no tangible objects into which it could solidify; the process of acting and speaking can leave behind no such results and end products. But for all its intangibility, this in-between is no less real than the world of things we visibly have in common. We call this reality the “web” of human relationships, indicating by the metaphor its somewhat intangible quality. (V”Action”, section 25, pp.182-183)
The Human Condition

The Human Condition
