目線 by 村上龍

昨年の11月に村上龍が”What the Dead No Longer See”と題してNYTに書いていた;

I often stay at a high-rise hotel in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo to write. From the window of my room, I can see both a new skyscraper and a big park. When I look at the skyscraper, I think about the people who died before it was finished and never got to see it. It’s like a visual image of the truism that once you’re dead, there aren’t any more new sights for you. A lot of homeless people live in the big park. The blue vinyl tarps of their crude shelters are clustered throughout the grounds, but from this window all you can see are the leafy green trees.
(Translated from Japanese by Ralph McCarthy)
世界を肯定する哲学 (ちくま新書)

世界を肯定する哲学 (ちくま新書)

DAVE KEHR “Hideko Takamine, Lauded Japanese Actress, Dies at 86” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/04/movies/04takamine.html
