MARGALIT FOX “Jill Clayburgh Dies at 66; Starred in Feminist Roles”
Jill Clayburgh, an Oscar-nominated actress known for portraying strong, independent women, died on Friday at her home in Lakeville, Conn. She was 66.The cause was chronic leukemia, with which she had lived for 21 years, her husband, the playwright David Rabe, said.
Ms. Clayburgh, who began her career in films and on Broadway in the late 1960s, was among the first generation of young actresses — including Ellen Burstyn, Carrie Snodgress and Marsha Mason — who regularly portrayed characters sprung from the new feminist ethos: smart, capable and gritty, sometimes neurotic, but no less glamorous for all that.
ポール・マザースキーの『結婚しない女』はたしか、大学入試直前に銀座で観た。「フェミニズム的なエートス」ということもそうなのだろうけど、この映画を観て、紐育のアートの世界に憧れたという人も少なくないんじゃないかしら。フィルモグラフィをチェックしたのだけれど、ジル・クレイバーグが出演した映画で観た記憶があるのは『結婚しない女』とベルナルド・ベルトルッチの『ルナ』。15歳の息子と情事に陥ってしまうオペラのディーヴァは彼女だったのか。ところが、この映画が米国で公開されたときの評判は散々なものだったらしく、『結婚しない女』を絶賛していたNYTの批評家Vincent Canby氏は”one of the most sublimely foolish movies ever made by a director of Mr. Bertolucci's acknowledged talents”と言っている*1。また、上掲のMARGALIT FOXの記事でも『ルナ』はスルーされている。
She was known in particular for her starring role in “An Unmarried Woman” (1978), directed by Paul Mazursky. For her performance as Erica, a New Yorker who must right herself after her husband leaves her for another woman, Ms. Clayburgh was nominated for an Academy Award. (The best-actress Oscar that year went to Jane Fonda in “Coming Home.”)Reviewing “An Unmarried Woman” in The Times, Vincent Canby wrote: “Miss Clayburgh is nothing less than extraordinary in what is the performance of the year to date. In her we see intelligence battling feeling — reason backed against the wall by pushy needs.”
- 出版社/メーカー: 20世紀 フォックス ホーム エンターテイメント
- 発売日: 2009/05/02
- メディア: DVD
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 15回
- この商品を含むブログ (24件) を見る
- 出版社/メーカー: 20世紀 フォックス ホーム エンターテイメント
- 発売日: 1994/03/25
- メディア: VHS
- クリック: 1回
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