Texts on 沖縄音楽

EastAsian Anthropologist MLへのJames E. Roberson氏からのメッセージ;

For your information, I have had two articles about Okinawan music published recently.

"Singing Diaspora: Okinawan Songs of Home, Departure, and Return." Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 17(4): 430-453 (2010) (see: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a924172209~frm=titlelink)

and, just uploaded,

"Songs of War and Peace: Music and Memory in Okinawa." The Asia-Pacific Journal, 31-3-10, August 2, 2010. (see: http://japanfocus.org/-James_E_-Roberson/3394)

The latter is an abridged and revised (including several youtube video links) version of my paper published last year ("Memory and Music in Okinawa: The Cultural Politics of War and Peace." positions: east asia cultures critique 17(3): 683-711 [2009])