

Ben Quinn “Auschwitz camp's stolen sign recovered in three pieces” http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/dec/21/auschwitz-nazi-poland

先週末、ポーランドアウシュヴィッツ強制収容所の正門の” Arbeit macht frei”というサインが何者かによって盗まれたが、20日夜、ポーランド警察当局はその窃盗の容疑で、25歳から39歳までの5人の男をポーランド北部で逮捕し、尋問のため、アウシュヴィッツ近くのKrakow市まで搬送した。サインも同時に発見されたが、” Arbeit”と” macht “と”frei”の単語毎に3つに切断されていた。上の記事では、5人の動機とか背景に関する言及はない。但し、かなり周到に計画された犯行であるとはいう。

Peter Lazenby “Why Auschwitz sign's theft chilled me” http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/dec/21/auschwitz-arbeit-macht-frei-holocaust


The theft of this symbol filled me with horror, reminding me of the continuing attempt by Holocaust deniers and apologists to erase evidence of the depravity of nazism. Indeed, the theft risked symbolising the nazism's resurgence, and the continuing growth of racism embraced and promoted by organisations such as the British National party. With the sign now returned and five suspects arrested, however, reports are quoting the district police chief denying that those responsible are members of a neo-Nazi group.

It is worth remembering that now, as in the 1930s and 40s, lies are the foundation on which the philosophy of racism is built. The Holocaust itself depended on deceit for its implementation: promises of relocation, a new life in the east, and at Auschwitz the words "Work sets you free." Even as the victims of the gas chamber were undressing for their "shower" they were told to memorise the numbered hook on which they had hanged their clothes, in order to reclaim them afterwards.