
The Battle for God: A History of Fundamentalism (Ballantine Reader's Circle)

The Battle for God: A History of Fundamentalism (Ballantine Reader's Circle)

Karen Armstrong The Battle for God*1から。
米国における基督教原理主義の代表的なイデオローグであるTim LaHayeは妻のBeverleyとの共著で、The Act of Marriage: The Beauty of Sexual Love(1976)という「ベストセラーとなったセックス・マニュアル」を刊行している(p.312)。これは、原理主義者が”male impotence”を懸念しているという文脈で言及されている。Armstrongの要約によれば、

Men were impotent, sexually troubled, worried about satisfying their wives, or about how their performance compared with that of other men. The reason for this was the new self-assertion of women; even fundamentalist women were infected by this cultural virus and as a result, men were becoming “feminized” or even “castrated.” (ibid.)
また、これは”the fundamentalist hatred of homosexuality”とも関係している。原理主義者からすれば、同性愛は”an epidemic, the cause of America’s decline”であると同時に、”the result of failed homes which had fallen prey to “secular humanism””でもある(ibid.)*2
因みに、Tim LaHaye の著書は、The Act of Marriage: The Beauty of Sexual Loveのほかに、

How to Be Happy Through Married(1968)
Understanding the Male Temperament(1977)
The Battle for the Mind(1980)
The Battle for the Family(1982)
Sex Education in the Family(1985)

がある。また、Beverley LaHayeの単著は、

The Spirit Controlled Women(1976)
I Am a Women by God’s Design(1980)
The Restless Women(1984)