Alex Hoban “Turning Japanese: Rural rules” http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2008/oct/15/popandrock-japan
Alex Hoban氏によると、土佐国は凄いらしい。これは高知で開かれたHavanero festivalについての記事なのだが、冒頭のパラグラフでは、
と書かれている。高知って、そんなに秘境なのか。さらに、坂本龍馬が言及され、”As well as providing the country with several prime ministers, Kochi is responsible for Mitsubishi cars, new-wave punk rockers Polysics, and Japan's most famous cartoon superhero, Anpanman, whose special power is - wait for it – a head made from bread.”であると。そして、最後には、”For anyone who has ever been tempted to believe that eternally irritating myth of Japanese homogeneity, a quick trip down to Kochi will reveal a nation still as delightfully diverse as ever.”とまでいう。高知へ行けば、同質的な日本という「神話」は崩れると。
Down on the southernmost part of the relatively small and often ignored Japanese island of Shikoku is Kochi-prefecture. Apparently created by the gods solely for the purpose of being picturesque fodder for super-kitsch tourist videos, it is somewhat isolated from the mainland's direct influence. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the inhabitants are an infamously wiley bunch, always cultivating their own distinctive culture away from Tokyo's often fit-inducing trends. And this has led to a pretty unique music festival.