日曜日、復興西路に最近オープンしたギャラリー「菲〓*1画廊」*2の裴晶「革命笑臉(Revolutionary Smile)」*3を観にいく。裴晶は1962年北京生まれで、上海戯劇学院を卒業、現在は上海戯劇学院絵画教研室主任。http://www.cityweekend.com.cn/shanghai/events/11448/?most_viewed=1から主催者側のコメントを引いておく;
Smile is the most common expression in Pei Jing’s artworks. The extremely smiling faces seem to show the happiness in all of our lives. Actually, there is the seriousness with rich connotations in Pei Jing’s paintings, only does he play the proper joke by the bohemian way. The final result is not let you be able to smile after the dazzle of his artworks. Pei Jing is the most realistic rather than super-realistic. His realism is one kind of inevitable relation, is one kind of demonstration surmounting space and time. The disaster of any time occurred by self-criticism and ignorance should be hard recovered. And initial enthusiasm will let the people feel completely desolate after the silence. So we believe that Pei Jing’s artwork is re-considering and striking the fashion by a joyful way. The painter should be a thinker, otherwise is a painting-maker. Pei Jing maintains the silence in the majority time, whose eyes are frequently in the attention.
その後、復興西路から武康路へ行き、最近「ミニ新天地」*5として再開発されたというFerguson Lane(武康路376号)を探す。Ferguson Laneは上海交通大学の創立にも関わった米国人宣教師John Calvin Fergusonに因む。復興西路から淮海路へと抜ける武康路は、革命前の仏蘭西租界時代、その宣教師に因んで、Ferguson Routeと名付けられていた。「新天地」と違うのは、何よりも観光客がいないことだろう。散歩がてらの(西洋人を中心とした)近隣住民の溜まり場。Ferguson LaneのCoffee Tree*6で、紅茶と三明治。それから、25分程歩いて、徐家匯の自宅まで戻る。
*1:zi3. 米+子。GB5549
*2:http://www.feizi-gallery.com/ 但し、未だUnder construction
*3:Cf. http://www.cityweekend.com.cn/shanghai/events/11448/?most_viewed=1 http://www.boubo.com/event/view.php?id=26021
*4:See eg. http://www.artnet.com/artist/725761/pei-jing.html
*5:Carrie Hadler “Local Talk: Ferguson Lane” J Talk September 2007, p.25