
Bill Bigelow “Christopher Columbus and the Iraq War” http://www.rethinkingschools.org/archive/20_01/comm201.shtmlhttp://mostlywater.org/christopher_columbus_and_the_iraq_warに転載)

Most of them—and most of you—can name Columbus' ships, the Pinta, Niña, and Santa Maria. But since I began teaching in 1978, I've never had a student who could name the nationality of the people he encountered: the Taínos.

This fact hints at how the traditional Columbus myth, and much of the curriculum that follows in its wake, has conditioned children to accept without question imperial adventures like the Iraq war.

For many children, the meeting of Columbus and the Taínos is the first time in the formal curriculum they learn about the contact between different cultures—often as early as October of kindergarten year, around Columbus Day. In fact, it's children's first in-school exposure to the contact between different nations—to foreign policy.

From their earliest days in school, students are taught to identify with white Europeans: the explorers, discoverers, and conquerors. The people Columbus "discovers" are incidental to the main tale of heroism—there, but not there.(…)

米国の子どもたちは「ABCと一緒に帝国主義を学習する」。しかし、そこでは(例えば)”What right did Columbus have to claim someone else's territory in the name of a far away empire?”というような問いは抜け落ちてしまう。さらに、

Children learn that global inequality is a fact of life. The world is divided in two: the discoverers and the discovered, the rulers and the ruled, the civilized and the savage, the worthy and the unworthy. And later, as children will learn, the rich and the poor.
このテクストの趣旨はこうした「不平等」を”fact of life”であるとするような意識が”the ideological underpinning of U.S. involvement in Iraq”なのだということである――
And in learning about a world divided between a righteous, powerful "us" and an inferior, childlike "them," youngsters also sometimes learned that there were different categories of "them." Some Taínos cooperated with the Columbus occupation.
ここで、「発見される」側は” friendly Indian”と”unfriendly Indian”に区分されることになる。「イラク」を考え合わすと、

The good Indians—think Ahmed Chalabi, Iyad Allawi—cooperate with the occupation forces. The bad Indians—think everyone in Falluja, for example—fight back.

Many of us began to encounter today's justifications for U.S. intervention and domination when we were children. Civilized, Christian Westerners bring enlightenment to the unwashed heathens. Good Indians do what they're told. Bad Indians fight back and get what they deserve.
ところで、米国について厄介なのは、それが〈反帝国〉を(少なくとも建前としては)掲げる帝国であることだろう。旧蘇聯のような帝国もその点では同じだったかも知れないが。ここで、古矢旬『アメリカ 過去と現在の間』を思い出した。
アメリカ 過去と現在の間 (岩波新書)

アメリカ 過去と現在の間 (岩波新書)